I recently stumbled across the following blog
It's written by a woman whose baby was born with Charge Syndrome and died earlier this year. The author is a wonderful writer, and she and her daughter are such beautiful people and the whole story so hard.
The reason that I am posting is because I have been a mess since reading the blog (thinking about the author and her daughter, as well as other children I have only known through the internet or the radio). I've been breaking into tears for the last few days and have trouble concentrating at work. I'm just feeling completely overwhelmed by how unevenly hardship gets handed out in the universe. (I am taking steps to do more volunteering, something I have been thinking about but just let my life get in the way too easily.)
Anyone else have experiences like this? How do you handle it?
PS: I feel a little silly asking this, given that I am just observing from a distance. But I feel _really_ stuck.