So for a number of reasons, I've thought about going GF in the past (inconclusive celiac test and it runs in my family, PCOS, general link of gluten to inflamation, IF and MCs). With a recent diagnosis of MTHFR and the need to avoid folic acid (which is in all enriched flour products in this country), I think it's time I take it seriously.

But it's all so very overwhelming to me. DH has done about 90% of our meal planning and grocery shopping. He was recently told to limit carbs, so at least we're not as bread dependent as we used to be. But given that now it's my decision to go GF, I feel like I need to step up and do more meal planning instead of relying on him all the time.

I don't want to simply replace processed carbs with processed GF products. I'd rather just try to eat healthier overall.

Has anyone done this and found good blogs or resources that sort of help introduce you to the idea over time and ease in to it?

Something with meal plans or recommended shopping lists would be really helpful. It's seriously been close to four years since I've taken ownership of this myself.
