Ok, so the boys are 12 days old and I'm starting to feel quite overwhelmed. I am EBF and it's taking its toll. DH has been doing SO much to help. One of the boys is a bit fussier than the other and I just keep thinking that I could handle it if it were just him, but I have the needs of a second little one to consider as well.
I am physically and emotionally exhausted.... and terrified for when DH goes back to work next week. Luckily he works from home more often than not. I feel more in control of things when he is around.
We have help lined up with my stepmom and ILs ready to jump in when I ask for it... but I don't want to ask. I feel obligated to entertain people when they are in my home and it stresses me out.
I don't feel like I'm headed down the PPD road. I'm just overwhelmed. I will be talking to my therapist anyway just in case it's the beginning of PPD.
Sorry, I guess I just needed to ramble/vent.
How did you deal with being overwhelmed in the early days? When did it get better?