LO is 1 week shy of 9 months and has been fighting naps like crazy for the past few days.

He is on two naps and used to have awake times of 3h/3.25h/3.5h. But lately when I put him down at after the usual awake times, he cries for 20-30 minutes before sleeping. So today, I tried extending his awake time. The first one, I extended to 3.5h and he slept for 1h 10 min. The second one, I extended to 3.75h and he seemed sleepy since his eyes started getting droopy while playing but he cried when I put him down and he napped only 20 minutes! He is also waking at 3 or 4am an sometimes not going back down after a feeding.

I can't figure out if he's undertired or overtired. Could he be transitioning to one nap? He's barely 9 months which seems early for only one nap. Does anyone have any experience with a similar situation?