Hellobee Boards


Fill in the blank: my 1st trimester symptoms were____.

  • poll: Which of the following best describes your first trimester symptoms?
    Miserable...and I thought they would never end. : (35 votes)
    27 %
    Miserable, but only for about a month to 6 weeks. : (8 votes)
    6 %
    Miserable, but interspersed with feeling pretty good. : (5 votes)
    4 %
    Moderate...and lasted forever. : (12 votes)
    9 %
    Moderate, lasting about a month to 6 weeks. : (20 votes)
    16 %
    Not too bad... : (32 votes)
    25 %
    Pregnancy symptoms? What pregnancy symptoms?! : (13 votes)
    10 %
    Something else: : (3 votes)
    2 %
  1. travelgirl1

    cantaloupe / 6630 posts

    Horrendous both times. So much throwing up, so much nausea and the medication makes me so tired.

  2. wonderstruck

    pomegranate / 3791 posts

    Miserable. Like, several trips to the hospital to be hooked up to an IV because my body was exhibiting signs of starvation and hadn't kept down even any water in over 48 hours miserable. Both times. It's kind of a miracle I had a second...I guess I was hoping it would be better. It wasn't.

  3. erinpye

    pomegranate / 3706 posts

    @wonderstruck: word, sister. Miserable, vomiting the whole time, IV, zofran. Did it twice...never. again.

  4. Mrs. Pickles

    kiwi / 584 posts

    #1, constant nausea , worse at night, random dry heaving, super stuffy nose
    #2 constant nausea, worse at night until about 12 wks .. still random dry heaving
    so far both pregnancies are super similar, however I was extremely hot with #1 and I am extremely cold with #2

  5. NurseDMB

    kiwi / 643 posts

    Not too bad. Very tired, food aversions/not a big appetite, and nausea. I only threw up twice the whole pregnancy with DS.

  6. californiadreams

    pomegranate / 3411 posts

    pretty much none, except for some bouts of fatigue where i needed a nap but it was manageable, maybe because i was not working full time.

  7. Mrs.KMM

    grapefruit / 4355 posts

    A variety of little things but all really mild (except for the crazy bloating): headaches, fatigue, gas, boobs growing, constipation.


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