SO weird but on Saturday night we were at a pizza place for a friend's birthday gathering and my nose started gushing. Thankfully I knew the feeling and rushed to the bathroom before causing what looks like a homicide scene.

It was one of my worst, but the weird thing is, I haven't had a nose bleed since I lived in the midwest five years ago. Friends were telling me that the air has been really dry in SoCal lately (where I live now), but it gets dry all the time and I hadn't had one in five years.

Talking to my sister she said she had about 8 nosebleeds in her 1st and 2nd trimesters. (I'm 5w3d) I'm going to talk to my dr about it in three weeks, but has anyone else had this weird pregnancy symptom?

It takes me ten minutes and lots of ice to stop it - they are annoying!