DH was stood up! He was supposed to pick-up a play table and chair set from a guy after work today and the guy turned off his phone. I'm so annoyed because it meant that he had to stay at work a little longer and drive to work (he usually takes the bus) because the guy wanted to meet at around 6:00. Meaning he would be home at the very earliest, 6:40. Which totally screws up our schedule.

I'm more pissed at myself because I was the one that insisted on the table. It's supposed to be very well made and the chairs were the kind they have at daycares, so they're really sturdy. I would have had to paint them, but it was cheap enough for it to be worth it.

DH thinks the guy already sold them, even though he said he would hold them, that's why his phone is off. Soooooooo annoying!