Wondering if anyone has ever had something similar to this or if it is just me...
Had my anatomy scan yesterday and everything looked great for the baby. The doctor asked me if I have ever had any surgeries or cutting of my uterus before and I said no, nothing other than my TFMR which they are aware of. She then went on to tell me that my uterus is essentially separated into two sections, one containing the baby and the other containing fluid with a “band” or a “wall” in between them.
She said they were not sure why this happens, what causes it or what exactly it is but it isn’t affecting the baby. She referred me to a MFM to whom I go to on Monday but I was curious to see if anyone has heard of this or dealt with this before? She said some people are born with it and you just never know about it until you have an ultrasound during pregnancy. She didn’t seem too concerned but idk!
I have attached a picture that I found on google for reference. It is the only picture I could find that showed exactly (without the wording) what my picture looked like. I started to research subchorionic hematoma and it talks about bleeding, which I have had zero bleeding this whole pregnancy (almost 20 weeks now). So I basically have no clue until I go on Monday to the MFM.
Thanks in advance for any help!