Has it affected your kids? What approaches did you take if others in the community made inappropriate remarks?
I live in a community in the northeast that prides itself on being one of the most diverse in the country, along many different lines. But sometimes attitudes are still quite bad. I can't even imagine what it must be like in some places
For example, I had a colleague (who is white with a non-white wife) who's 2 yo son was told by another kid at daycare that his dad wasn't his real dad and dark skin is dirty. His son was upset about this for a long time, which totally breaks my heart.
Another example, not as bad but still... I had a younger male colleague who was airing his views earlier this week about how he doesn't think mothers of young children should work outside the home, not my view but fine. Then he turns to me and says, "if you're going to use childcare, at least make sure it's a black woman so your kid knows she's not his mom." Problematic on many levels, but there's definitely a presumption in there that part of the mother-child bond is about looking similar, something that really peeves me as the soon-to-be mother of a mixed race child.
And I could go on...
I think diverse children's books are one important thing, which we will definitely read. But I'm also just curious about other's experiences...