What did Friday night mean to you 5 or even 10 yrs ago? It used to mean we were going out for dinner and drinks with friends. Now it means we're roasting marshmallows and getting ready for 8am soccer games
What did Friday night mean to you 5 or even 10 yrs ago? It used to mean we were going out for dinner and drinks with friends. Now it means we're roasting marshmallows and getting ready for 8am soccer games
honeydew / 7444 posts
It used to be going out with friends, hitting a bar or club, or just hanging out!
Now it's seeing who falls asleep first while watching Netflix.
grapefruit / 4997 posts
5years ago: We were a married couple trying hard to start a family but didn't seek IF medical help yet. We always ate out, met up with friends, and would come home to catch up with our shows...me Gossip Girl and DH was Spartacus. We didn't need much sleep at all.
Now: Taking turns with our sleep schedule to match the new baby and talking about precautions to avoid another pregnancy. We are for sure 2 and through unless we come across lots of money somehow. LOL
cantaloupe / 6131 posts
5 years ago I was a 3rd year law student furiously wedding planning for our March wedding while DH was studying for the Bar Exam. We were broke, spent all of our time together, and were generally just happy 20-somethings. Fridays we might meet some other law school friends for pizza and beer.
Now I am pregnant with our 2nd baby and DH is working in his home office while I putter and rest. Friday nights aren't super different from any other - dinner, bath/bed for DS, tidying and chores. #boringmarrieds
But still in love.
papaya / 10570 posts
Friday meant we were going out! I would spend half the day daydreaming about my outfit, then nip to clothes shop on my way home from work to get some new shoes or belt or dress or something else I "needed". We would always plan to go for a meal, but more often than not, we would nip into our favourite bar for a quick drink first and one would lead to another.... then we we would decide to skip dinner! A couple more bars, then we would meet our friends, probably watch a band, then go home via the kebab shop (mmm, chicken burger!). Saturday morning, we would sleep in until lunchtime to get over our hangovers!
Now.... It means rushing to daycare after work, picking E up, bath and bedtime routine. It's just another day. Then flopping onto the sofa, "what are we having for dinner?", "do you want to watch anything on TV tonight?"..... At some point, I will wonder what day it is and remember its Friday..... and feel a little pang......
nectarine / 2031 posts
10 years ago I was partying a lot. Just started dating dh.
5 years ago getting married enjoying going out on friday night. Lots of dates and double dates. Even last minute trips off island.
Now rock/paper/scissors over who gets the twins ready for bed and who heys the 2.5 yr old ready for bed and fighting over who gets to lay down with said 2yr old to go to sleep early
coconut / 8279 posts
My husband and I have been together for 16 years but we've always worked opposite schedules. Friday nights were for my girlfriends! We'd do dinner, drinks, catch a show, or a movie.
Now it's pizza & movie night with LO. I usually make plans to do something fun with J. Whether it's ordering something in or getting dinner out, play gym, movie at home.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
5 yrs ago I was 26... I lived at home and had a dog, I think I was already over this awful relationship that I was in. I was never really into going out, and Friday nights I usually volunteered with youth at church.
10 yrs ago I was 21... I probably was more social having just graduated college! Probably wasn't hitting clubs or bars, but probably went out to dinner with friends, watch movies, etc.
nectarine / 2951 posts
5 years ago we were newlyweds still living in NYC. We would be going out with friends on a Friday night. Usually dinner then a bar.
Now, yea, we're asleep in the couch attempting to get through a movie on Netflix! Ha.
pomelo / 5573 posts
5 years ago I don't think things were much different - we were still married and living in the suburbs, and while we didn't have kids yet our closest (only, really) local friends had a 1 year old, so we were probably still mostly just getting takeout and hanging out watching a movie at home. The only difference is that we'd stay up way later (or at least my husband would, I usually fell asleep on the couch). 10 years ago we were living together in an apartment downtown and Friday nights usually meant dinner out somewhere and maybe a movie, sometimes a bar with friends. To go far enough back where Friday nights meant partying I guess I'd have to go 15 years back, to university....wow. Now I feel boring!
wonderful grape / 20453 posts
Kinda the same! Drinks on the couch, tv/movie....hanging out. 10 years ago, I was in college, so i'd go out with my friends
nectarine / 2964 posts
5/10 years ago: Friday night would mean I'd finish work, 6:30pm ish, DH comes home, we'll go out to our regular sushi restaurant and I ordered sashimi bento. Afterwards we just walked around the mall a bit or go to the bookstore, or rent a movie, before heading home.
Now it means business as usual - I stop working at 4:30pm. Pick up DS and withstand whatever tantrum he might have and he wanted to go to the pasta restaurant and i said no we'll wait for a special occasion to do that. We head home, I cook, we eat; DH comes home, he eats; bath / bedtime routine, and dead tired but still working after DS' bedtime.
We seldom do sushi nowadays (which we used to do every friday) because (1) the cost (2) it is a pain to think about what to order for DS.
pear / 1521 posts
10 years ago I was a senior in college and so partying up the wazoo!
5 years ago I had recently met my now husband and we were dating long distance that first year. So when visiting him we were already settling into our current homebody routine but the weekends I didn't see him were still spent partying.
It's funny to think back to my first years out of college and how if I didn't have something to do on a Friday night I would be soooo anxious. And now it's literally the opposite, I hate having plans on a Friday night! Even pre-baby, we basically stopped going out on Fridays once we moved in together 4 + years ago. Though I try to make Fridays feel a little more special these days by making something fun for dinner or going out to eat and spending less of the night zoning out in front of the TV (our normal Mon-Thurs routine...). Saturdays I'm happier to have plans but still don't mind spending the whole weekend at home.
coconut / 8079 posts
Honestly Friday nights now are more fun! 10 years ago I was in an intense grad school program in a city where I knew no one but my school friends. I pretty much worked all the time. And five years ago I was in a new teaching job and spent my Friday nights grading papers and lesson planning. Now we take LO out to dinner or out for ice cream. Nothing exciting but at least it's more relaxing than working!
grapefruit / 4355 posts
Is it bad that our Friday nights are the same?!?
5 years ago we were newlyweds but we were never really "going out" people. We spend our Friday's relaxing on the couch usually. Now we just do that same thing with our 8 month old!
kiwi / 554 posts
Friday used to mean drinks and dancing! My girlfriends and I would spend hours deciding what to wear and doing our makeup, and then we'd head out on the town. When DH and I first started dating, we'd all go out as a big group.
Now that I'm pregnant, Friday means putting my pj's on right after work, vegging out on the couch with DH all evening and going to bed at 8:30. It's not as exciting, but I wouldn't want to do it differently!
eggplant / 11716 posts
Ahh....5 years ago, DH and I were still just dating and we'd definitely be doing something fun on a Friday. The first year we dated, I got DH into my salsa dancing crazy of that time period and we were usually going salsa dancing somewhere on Fridays. Lots of drinks would be had.
Man I miss that.
wonderful pear / 26210 posts
5 years ago, I had a three month old baby, Friday night was like any other night, we were all in bed by 7 pm, lol.
Now, Friday nights are family movie pizza nights.
pomelo / 5084 posts
Wow 5 years ago I usually met up with the same couple friends every Friday night after work maybe around 8. We'd pre drink at one of our apartments then go out until the bars closed! And when I first met DW she just joined our routine!!!! Now I'm on maternity leave so Friday nights are like every other night. That said we either order in something good or take the baby out to eat! Tonight we are celebrating Valentine's Day as a family of 3 at a trendy new seafood place in town.
pomegranate / 3438 posts
Then: DH and I would usually go out to eat somewhere or go to a friends house for pizza and beer.
Now: DH has a lot of Friday night events so I take DS on a pizza date then we go play at the mall. If DH is home we might go out to dinner (probably for pizza and beer!). Guess not too much has changed!
coconut / 8483 posts
Well 5 years ago we were new to a small town so we didn't really have many friends yet. So we often went to dinner or a movie and then had a couple drinks at home.
Now we order in or sometimes go out (with ds) and then watch Netflix or a movie At home. And have some drinks when I'm not pregnant.
pomegranate / 3580 posts
Five years ago we would usually go out for dinner on Fridays and either meet up with friends, go see a movie, or just hang out at home.
Now it's the usual weekday routine until DD goes to bed, although sometimes we'll all go out to eat. After she's asleep we might watch a movie on Netflix before passing out
watermelon / 14467 posts
Then: Dinner and a movie.
Now: Dinner, bedtime, and TV before I go to bed. DH stays up later.
persimmon / 1286 posts
Fridays were never a big night for me! Maybe happy hour after work, then ordering in pizza. Saturdays, that's a different story (10 years ago, lol). Now Fridays are for pizza, wine and Netflix.
eggplant / 11287 posts
@BabyBoecksMom: 8 am soccer games?!?!? My kids would still be fast asleep!
pomelo / 5220 posts
10 years ago: partying with my friends in college
5 years ago: Exactly 5 years ago, I was moving into my new house with my fiance (now husband). We probably would go out for dinner and drinks, maybe a movie. And we thought we were tired from a long week --- oh if we only knew!
Now: Rush and pick up LO at daycare, usual bed and bath routine and then collapse on the couch after takeout. I probably will be in bed by 9 because I'm training for a marathon so I have to be up early to run in the -5 temperatures. Oh joy.
persimmon / 1420 posts
10 years ago- going out with DH (BF at time) and friends
5 years ago- going out with DH and friends
Now- going out with DH and the kidlets.
We go out every Friday because it makes us feel normal and more a part of society.
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
OMG. 10 years ago - going out with friends, bar or club, getting dressed up. Maybe happy hour RIGHT after work.
Now: In PJs by 6pm, passed out on the couch by 8pm, trying to stay up til 10pm to watch a movie with DH and usually not making it.
kiwi / 556 posts
5 years ago: meeting friends for drinks, agonizing over dating drama.
now: married with a dog and a 7 month old, usually having pizza and wine, watching dateline.
honeydew / 7463 posts
5 years ago we were dating, it was a few months before we got engaged. We probably were doing dinner with friends and then a bar, out until 2 or 3am.
10 years ago we were "on a break" and I had 3 other roommates. We went out every Friday and drank our faces off, ended up somewhere dancing even if no one else was.
Now I'm with our 17 month old waiting for DH to arrive so we can all go to dinner at a diner together. Then rush home for his bath and bedtime by 7pm. We'll probably binge watch some Narcos while we eat ice cream out of the tub.
Quite honestly, while I miss the 5 and 10 year Friday nights, I like this better. I'm a homebody!
kiwi / 545 posts
This is a great post idea - love reading these..
10 yrs ago - I was just getting over being dumped and moved back to my home city so I was going out more, I had gotten into hot power yoga, living by myself for the first time ever... it was pretty awesome at the time.
5 yrs ago - we were just married so we would be going out for drinks, dinner or spontaneously going up to the mountains for the weekend.
Now we tend to order take out, hang out with DS until his bedtime and then either watch whatever show we're onto right now (re-watching Luther) or a movie. We do date nights a couple times a month, usually Saturdays since we're more relaxed and ... awake
kiwi / 556 posts
5 years ago we were living in japan. DH and I had just started dating. Friday nights we'd meet up with friends at an English style pub, before heading out somewhere to dinner. From there we would either head home, head to someone's apartment to play board games or a group of us would take the last train into Osaka and stay there, partying, until first train (5am). The funny thing is, my staying out all night parting phase was very short - maybe 3 months? But it happens to be exactly 5 years ago.
Now I get home from work, prep a lazy finger food dinner for me and DD and have a girls night vegging out watching TV while daddy the introvert has alone time on his computer.
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
5 years ago Friday nights meant chatting on the phone all night with my long distance boyfriend (now DH) or sometimes hanging with girlfriends in college.
10 years ago I was 15.
Now it might mean a date with DH or dinner with one of our families or just hanging at home with our kids!
pomegranate / 3003 posts
10 years ago, I was in college and a sorority. Go figure on that one.
5 years ago, DH and I were dating and living together. We'd either meet up with friends for happy hour, or have a date night out/in.
Now, Friday = Hallelujah, I get an extra pair of hands. We make pizza at home and watch a movie that DD picks out. Wild, over here.
grapefruit / 4731 posts
10 years ago - fresh out of college playing game cube games alone at home till fell asleep. I think I was playing paper Mario at the time.
5 years ago - married playing wii games with DH till we got tired... Maybe ate out or got pizza.
Now - hanging out with the kids till they fall asleep and then playing iPhone games till I fall asleep.
I guess I just like playing games till I am tired. Usually Friday I can binge on my games since I don't have work the next day.
pomelo / 5326 posts
10 years ago we were dating and likely at the bar every Friday. We partied quite a bit!
5 years ago we were in our own home and had settled down. A typical Friday night would have been watching a movie or playing poker with friends.
Friday's now usually mean going to the neighborhood pub with DD for an early dinner. After she goes to bed I try really hard to watch a movie with DH but I always fall asleep.
clementine / 948 posts
10 years ago - I was a senior in college. I didn't have Friday classes so Thursday was like my Friday But, on Friday nights I normally waitressed at the most popular bar on campus. If not working, then partying there
5 years ago- I had just started my current job and was adjusting to the hours/stress. My DH was getting his MBA though and life for him was basically one big party. So if I wasn't too tired from a crazy work week, I would go out to the bar w friends and DH
Now- anxiously watching the clock and wondering when DH will get home. Becoming increasingly irritated w each minute past 6:30 and thinking I will go crazy if my 2 yo has one more tantrum. Pretty much every Friday since my DD was born 4 weeks ago, I'm so cranky and just DONE on Friday nights. Cant wait to be through the newborn days
pomegranate / 3845 posts
5 years ago it meant the start of a relaxing weekend!
Now it's like clocking in for a double shift at my second job lol with a slave driver of a boss who wants the red sippy, then the blue sippy and then OMG WHERE IS THE RED SIPPY. But he's a cute boss
persimmon / 1436 posts
5 years ago, we were newlyweds NTNP our first. It would take until October to get pregnant that way. We worked opposite schedules and the only time we had for dates was Tuesday nights. That was the cheap night at our local movie theater so we would usually go after I got off work. I miss that standing date. We had three pets then so we spent so much time playing with them.
Now we have two kids (and added another dog) and we have both changed jobs and moved 90 miles away. We are still very much in love but our marriage is a team scenario and not strictly romantic. Wouldn't change a thing! I love seeing DH as a daddy. He is a natural.
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