fyi, i made an annonymous account for this post because I am sure I would regret posting it later under my real user name.

LO has been refusing to drink from my breast off and on this week. I think it is because we have given too many bottles of expressed breast milk. LO was particularly fussy this evening and i was doing all I could to relax him and get him to drink from me because he was obviously hungry. I decided it was best to take a break and let us both relax. DH said he could also give LO a bath to help calm him. I was about to take a shower myself so i thought i would still have my shower first so i could relax and even maybe help stimulate my milk production, then LO would have his bath and as soon as he was done, i would feed him. Well, while i was in the shower, DH takes a bottle and gives LO the entire bottle!! After he watched me spend an hour avoiding doing exactly this! And several times in the past when DH has offered to give a bottle when I am home, i always give him the same answer "no it's better for my milk supply to feed him myself when I am home and also for LO to not have too many bottles, plus I would just have to pump soon after"

So i just got so mad! I was also feeling extra cranky and overtired today because LO has been waking up earlier than usual all week and this just sent me over the edge. Usually DH and I never fight, never raise our voices, and never say snarky comments to each other. So when he said "btw, i gave LO the bottle while you were the shower", I was first shocked, then replied sarcastically, "great, so now i have to pump and LO will also continue to refuse to drink from me, thanks!" And I pushed it more by telling him why i was so frustrated and asking why he did that when he specifically knew I didn't want to give the bottle. DH got annoyed with me and yelled at me to "knock it off!"

Now we have just been ignoring each other and i am really sad. so tell me, did I over react? DH says he gave the bottle beause I was in the shower and LO was hungry and starting to cry. I say, he could have told me and I would have rushed out of the shower.