I am having a really really bad night, I can't sleep and settle down.

There are so many issues in my life right now. I'm 36.5 weeks pregnant, my DH is being a jerk about money problems that he created, my GMIL hates me (long story to that one) and yet won't back off and let me raise my kid in the way that is healthy for him and me. (By that I mean, not smothering him/not being a hypochondriac/hyperviligent about every little danger) I'm banning her from the hospital but she doesn't know it yet, even after I told my DH to tell her that I don't want any visitors (read: HER). After she almost dropped my newborn last time, I don't want her around my kids, PERIOD, but my DH says that she's family and I have to let her. I'm just so sick and tired of being treated like crap in my own home by her. I also feel like I can't trust anyone on his side not to do stuff with my LO that I ask them not to do, like DH taking my LO to their very dangerous house while I'm in the hospital. I like MIL (his mom) but she has her moments too. My DH is a donkey when it comes to his family. My family has its moments, but nothing like this. Right now, they are all angry with him for being a jerk to me, in front of them.

I don't know what to do. All I can say is thank GOD for my mom or I'd really be screwed in this situation.

ETA; DH doesn't think that we need counselling, or if we do, we can't afford it, so instead he just acts like a donkey all the time to me.
Thanks for reading ladies, and for the vent.