We travel to visit family 1-2 times a year. It involves 6 hours fly time broken up by 1-2 hour layover (no direct flights available), then 2 hours by car. So, with airport check-in and what not, about 12 hours from our airport to grandparents' house.
We are taking her car seat for the plane and for when we get to our destination. We are not taking a stroller.
I can't decide whether I should buy one of those car seat transporters or not. We would use it primarily to get through the airport and to push her around during layovers.
I also have a great baby carrier that I could use instead, but we would still have to schlep the carseat and lately she has been requesting 'down' a lot in the carrier.
The bottom line is that I am willing to spend any amount of money to make traveling with a (young) 2 year old easier, but I just don't know if it actually would be easier.
Any opinions/ experience?