We're poking around looking at daycares for #2 and already scraping the bottom of the barrel in terms of cost (we get significant financial aid for LO1's preschool, looking at tiny in-homes for #2).

I just ran the math and I'll be paying about $200 per PAYCHECK to work with 2.


This doesn't factor in that I get health insurance benefits (my DH has none), obvious mental health benefits of working (for me), investment in my professional future, etc. But still - that is a tough nut to swallow.

For people who may more for childcare than you bring home, how do you justify still working? We will literally have to draw from savings for me to work

ETA: The other factor is my LOs will be so far apart, LO1 will start kindergarten 1.5 years after LO2 starts daycare...