After over 24 hours of straight travel, we are here in Manila! We got in very late last night, and are about to board our last flight to our final destination.
It was hard -- I'm not going to lie! Thank goodness my mom came with us. She was such a huge help! Charlie was very overtired and stimulated from all that was going on, and many a meltdown happened on the plane(s). I thought Olive was going to be the harder one based on our flight from NY to LA. She didn't sleep much on the 11 hour flight (3 short naps) from LA to Tokyo, but she was pretty good overall. Thank goodness we were able to get the bulkhead seats -- huge, huge, HUGE help. (Mr Bee went to the airport first 3 1/2 hours early to get them.)
I think Olive is already on the local schedule. She's napping right now just an hour earlier than usual. Charlie's sleep is pretty messed up because there is just so much to see/do/touch everywhere, and he's been spoiled by being allowed to watch more tv than he ever has in his entire life. I think we're going to have some bad habits to break when we get home!
I was worried that the trip would mess up their sleep, but Olive has been going into her travel crib awake like a champ. I did have to nurse her down a couple of times when she was overtired from being out too long, but phew thank goodness she is sleeping pretty well. Charlie is another story and he may be skipping naps the rest of our trip!
Lots of stories to tell when we return. Hope everyone is doing well in the States!!!