This is kind of a sad question but I'm wondering if anyone else has been in my shoes and now on the other side of things.
Right now we have 1 LO who is 15 months old. DH wants to be one and done but he is open to two in the future. I have always wanted two mainly because I want my first to have a sibling.
Pregnancy and childbirth were difficult for me and I am anxious about repeating that. I HATED the newborn period because LO was on the colicky side. Now that she's a toddler, it has gotten easier as she is a fairly good sleeper.
But what I'm really worried about is what a second baby will do to my marriage. DH and I argued about 10x more after we had a baby compared to before. It was a combination of adjusting to our new lives, different parenting styles, and both of us being on the stubborn side. It got to the point of me wondering if we were gonna last and made me very sad. Now that DD is no longer an infant our relationship has survived and improved thankfully. But I'm seriously worried about what adding another kid will do to our marriage.
So just wondering if anyone has been in a similar boat and did or did not end up expanding your family. TIA!