My work has changed our insurance a few times, so I'm pretty sure I never had the exact same plan for any pregnancy, BUT the last 2 pregnancy, scans were def all covered under prenatal care.

I was billed for my first major ultrasound at the hospital at 12 weeks. I checked with hospital and they coded it correctly. So now I'm back with insurance arguing about it. This person is saying that ultrasound falls under radiology which is subjected to deductible. But I already have maternity services AND an actual ultrasound category. Why on earth would this ultrasound not be under basic maternity coverage or even ultrasound coverage, and randomly goes to radiology which is the only category out of the 3 subjected to deductible?

I am just so upset because I've never not have routine ultrasounds (or even extra ultrasounds ordered due to high risks) not covered. I already had my 20 wk ultrasound as well, so now I'll have to pay for that too? I'm also due for a fetal echo AND an additional growth ultrasound next month due to certain risk factors. So if I can't afford it, I am just supposed to forgo all ultrasounds from the beginning? What kind of maternity service is that? And to make me angrier, I pay an arm & a leg for premiums.

Uggh, sorry for the emotional rant. Pregnancy hormones and spending days and endless phone calls trying to figure this out really wore me out. And this lady on the phone can't even find the exact info on my certificate of coverage... Has anyone else been through something similar? It's almost like they're telling me I can't appeal b/c it's part of my plan but they can't even find the exact printed words where it shows me 100% black & white that prenatal ultrasounds fall under radiology and is subjected to deductible.