Tell me it will get better!? My 14 week old is extremely high matinence, and has been since birth, but it's gotten worst in the last 4 weeks. A little background is DS was a slight preemie at 36 weeks and I've always held him for naps since birth and we co-bed. He also has MSPI and severe reflux. He's now on alimentum and Nexium, so both of those issues are a lot better. My problem now is my child REFUSES to be sat down. If he's not being held he screams bloody murder! I'm serious, this child at 3 months old knows how to throw the perfect fit, with just enough dramatic flair. 😑. If I put him on the floor, in the swing, in the bouncer....anywhere but a persons arms he screams till he chokes, throws his arms and legs around, scratches hisself and turns so red he's almost purple. As soon as you pick him up he's fine. It's not a mommy preference because he's fine as long as somebody is holding him, he doesn't care who. I need help! I can't do anything. I can't eat, bath, clean, or so much as use the bathroom without listen to a child scream. DH has been working out of town so I've been solo for a few weeks. If I want to get something done I've just been taking him to my MIL. For the most part I'm confined to a chair all day. 😭😭. Is he too young to let CIO in the bouncer? If not for how long? Is my life effectively over until he's in school? Will I ever poop in peace again? Lol I just need someone to tell me this is a phase and he'll grow out of it, or if it can be fixed. Sorry for the long rant. At this point I just miss being able to wash the dishes.

Eta: I forgot to say I hold him during naps because every time I've set him down after he's in a deep sleep, he wakes up within 10 mins, no matter how long he's been asleep. He knows he's not being held.