As my husband and I inch closer to TTC I have started to wonder more about how my experiences are going to effect parenting. I think my husband might be under the impression that since I take care of kids for a living that having our own is going to be pretty much a piece of cake. I am about 1000% certain that will not be the case but I am curious what other people's experiences were in that realm.
I have been a nanny for about nine years and I taught Montessori for three. I have covered the gambit of every age possible, the past 3 years have all been with infants and toddlers so it isn't like those days are long behind me.
I feel like the biggest issue will be sleep-- even when I work 12-14 hour days I can still go home and sleep a solid 8-9 hours and take a shower without company. I also just don't do well without sleep, even cutting it to 7 hours for a few days is enough to make me crabby. The other element is recovering from birth, I am sure this has to play a role in the early days too. Oh yeah, and breastfeeding... definitely a new one for me!
Despite loving my job there are certainly days from time to time where I count down the minutes until the end of the day, sometimes kids are just challenging or you are having an off day and when they are mine I won't be able to just waltz out the door at quitting time...
I know there are a number of nannies and former nannies as well as teachers on here and I am sure many others have had a lot of experience with little ones. How did that shape you as a parent, do you think it was a big advantage or did it give you fool-hardy confidence? If you did not have those experiences were there things that you wish you had been through before?