LO 1 & LO 2- my parents by phone and inlaws in person with a copy of our first ultrasound....nothing too exciting! I want to do something "cuter" next time.
LO 1 & LO 2- my parents by phone and inlaws in person with a copy of our first ultrasound....nothing too exciting! I want to do something "cuter" next time.
pomelo / 5132 posts
The first time, for MIL, FIL, SIL, BIL, we pretended we were taking a picture, and had everyone say "Mrs. J is pregnant!", while we video taped it. For my parents, I think we slipped it into the convo.
For this time, we had LO wear a big brother shirt.
cherry / 216 posts
I gave my dad a tee shirt that said worlds 'best dad (dad crossed out) grandpa'. The look on his face when he opened it was Priceless!!
This pregnancy we put DS in a big brother shirt!
My husband just told his parents both times. Their family isn't into 'cute' things like that.
grapefruit / 4085 posts
We told both around Mother's Day so we put a copy of the ultrasound into their cards. Both were very, very confused!
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
Told them in person both times. I was rather disappointed (maybe hormones, maybe not) with both sets the second time. I left my parents' house rather disappointed they weren't more excited, my mom apologized later for it (they were upset for a different reason and the timing was bad.) and my MIL asked if it was planned...wasn't my ideal reactions at all. Won't be writing either down in the book
pomegranate / 3032 posts
We told my parents on my mom's birthday and the card i picked had nana, granny, grandma written all over it and we included a bottle of bubby in the gift. At first she thought the card was from our dog but then she realized what we meant. I was only 6 weeks along so even though she knew I had to make her keep quiet about it when her sisters and parents arrived like 20 minutes later for dinner.
We told my inlaws over dinner
pomelo / 5607 posts
First one was right before Mother's Day so we sent all the grandmothers (divorced parents on both sides, so 4 of them) Mother's Day cards that were to "Grandma." Since then we've just told them in conversation. We talked about doing something cute this time, but didn't really care enough to.
bananas / 9229 posts
I just finalized our announcement tonight I might post after we tell them!
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
I called them. They knew I had a beta coming up so it wasn't a total surprise.
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
My husband took me swimming with dolphins for my birthday and both sets of parents wanted to see pictures. So, we put together a slide show with my ultrasound as the last picture and showed it to our families this Thanksgiving after dinner. They were so excited albeit very confused at first!
nectarine / 2821 posts
@fancyfunction: My MIL thought the ultrasound pic I put in her card was from my first pregnancy which I miscarried. Why on earth would I give her a pic of it 5 months later, never mind the fact I never even had an ultrasound...
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
With Ds, tshirts and my dads bday party/gift. Caught it on video! Ils we told w tshirts over dinner.
With cp, Ds was wearing a shirt.
With this pregnancy, we just told them. Boring but we were emotionally burnt out after the cp.
persimmon / 1495 posts
We invited my parents over for dinner. When they got there, I told them I was baking something and had them look in the oven - it was only a hamburger bun For people who have been obsessed with the idea of grandkids for years, I was surprised that it took them awhile to figure it out. It was literally: Me: What is that? My mom: a bun. Me: and where is it? My mom: in the oven Me: (expectant look) My mom: (confused stare)
And my dad figured it out first. My mom later said she was confused because I really do like to bake and she thought it was some fancy cake made to look like a hamburger bun.
nectarine / 2521 posts
We Skyped my in laws and then we took my parents to dinner and I slipped a copy of the ultrasound into my mom's menu before they arrived. She was really confused for a second and then started shrieking so loudly the entire restaurant went silent. It was fun
clementine / 911 posts
We're going to tell them at Christmas. I'm wrapping up a picture frame that says "Celebrate Grandkids". We won't have an ultrasound yet to put in it, so I'll just print something cute out for now. I'm also putting a bib in the present that says "Who needs Santa when you have Grandma".
My brother and SIL told us a couple of weeks after their 5 year anniversary. They had us watch a slideshow my brother put together for their anniversary. There were pictures from when they were dating, their engagement and wedding, several trips they've been on, and at the end there was an ultrasound picture!
pear / 1580 posts
I picked up the phone, called them and said, "Mom, guess what? I'm pregnant!"
apricot / 411 posts
We visited my parents and showed them the ultrasound photo, to which my mum responded "Is this yours??" No, mum, I just thought I'd show you someone else's! My husband's parents were away that weekend, so he just told his mum over the phone. Nothing creative!
persimmon / 1129 posts
We told them over dinner but we totally botched it on my husband's side. I had an early miscarriage and got pregnant again the next month. When we told my MIL I was pregnant again, she said, "Wait, is this the first baby?" She thought we were trying to tell her the doctors had been wrong about my having a miscarriage. Nothing takes the excitement out of a pregnancy announcement faster than talking about the baby you lost a few months before.
If we have another one I think we'll get our daughter a "Big Sister" shirt.
blogger / coconut / 8306 posts
With chloe, I called them while they were vacationing I Hawaii. I couldn't wait until they got home.
With Charlotte, I told my mom right away. She knew I had a beta so it didn't come as a surprise. My dads bday is NYE so we went over for dinner, then Chloe gave him his gift (just candy) and a card signed from the four of us. We recorded his reaction & it was pretty memorable.
We announced to my nana with Chloe wearing a big sister shirt, and recorded her reaction too.
Then I made a video collage and included clips of both videos to make a public announcement.
wonderful grape / 20453 posts
My parents: i called them after my NT scan. Very exciting.
MIL: dressed up in a big sister shirt
grapefruit / 4923 posts
@mediagirl: that is so cute!
@meganmp: i love the joy!!
i was in the ER and told my parents that it was either an ectopic or a burst cyst (that's what the doctors told me). a routine blood test showed i was pregnant. it was the opposite of a cute announcement. for the next 2 weeks i was in the hospital, my mom asked about my betas every day.
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
We get our second betas back on Christmas eve. If they are doubling then we are going to tell my parents Christmas eve when we're together. Debating how to do it. The next day we are flying to ILs and I know what we will do for that. I'm going to have Lo wear a big brother shirt with his coat over it and M IL take his coat off. We are curious to see how long it will take.
ETA: it won't be a huge surprise to anyone. Both sets of parents know that we are having fertility issues, and had a miscarriage last month. Which is why I don't mind telling everyone early on if things look okay.
grapefruit / 4355 posts
I made baby quilts for both my mom and my MIL and had this on the label on the back:
nectarine / 2784 posts
The first time we did a cutesy "reveal" with a grandparent-themed gift. That ended in loss, and the second time we just told them over the phone, but they weren't any less excited about it.
hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts
I ended up just telling my parents over the phone and my inlaws in person yesterday.. Everyone was so happy!
pear / 1750 posts
I told my mom the day I got my positive test after IVF. I called her and said "if I got a positive test would you want to know, even if it's really early?" She said of course, so I told her. Luckily it stuck!
We waited a few weeks until we heard the heartbeat to tell my In-laws. I had DH call them while I listened in. I was worried they wouldn't be excited (due to DH's disability) but they were
bananas / 9229 posts
We announced to both sets of parents on Christmas. We bought this digital frame that DH and I can update via Cloud access with photos. So we told them we loaded some vacation photos on it for them. Instead it was a baby announcement poem that flipped through, verse by verse, and ended with ultrasound photos. It went even better than I anticipated!!
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