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How do you accommodate guests while keeping a house shoe-free?

  1. erwoo

    pomegranate / 3053 posts

    We're a shoes off household and have always been. It's just an Asian culture thing. I just ask my guests politely to remove their shoes when I have the chance to. Sometimes they run into the house before I even have a chance to. I cringe but I'm not going to tell them to take it off. I'll just clean the floors after they leave. My parents actually made a sign posted outside of their front door to remove their shoes there. Haha!

  2. StbHisMrs

    pomegranate / 3329 posts

    When I was growing up my Mom had painted a sign thhat hung beside the front door and read "Thank You for Removing Your Shoes". We got in trouble if we wore them in the house.
    My dh refuses to take his off and I go batty...

  3. Sammyfab

    pomegranate / 3383 posts

    I am Canadian (and Asian) and have always grown up with no shoes in the house. Wearing outdoor shoes in the home has always confused me. I just think of all of the stuff I am potentially walking in when outdoors and couldn't imagine tracking it through my home. If people come into my home with their shoes on I do cringe a little but I don't usually say anything.

  4. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    It's also traditional in Russian culture to take your shoes off when you come inside, so DH's family always does this. They also offer "tabuchki" (no idea if I spelled that right!), which are just slippers that are offered to guests so they don't have to be barefoot. I personally hate wearing shoes in my house--it feels uncomfortable! I also prefer if guests take them off, and generally people follow my lead when they come inside.

  5. pinkcupcake

    cantaloupe / 6751 posts

    I'm Korean and we've always grown up with no shoes in the house. Whenever we had friends over, it was a given that they would have to take their shoes off and no one ever said anything. We never, ever wear our shoes in our house (it makes my heart beat erratically just thinking about it!) and have never had a problem with guests. I even ask repairmen/delivery guys to remove their shoes and they always do so (or bring booties).

    We don't keep slippers or anything for guests.

  6. softcream

    apricot / 423 posts

    oh my gosh, this topic has my heart racing (well, not quite so dramatic)

    anyway, i grew up always taking off our shoes at the door. so did the hubs. my parents do it at their house, and so do his. and we still take off our shoes right away here in our home.

    here's where it gets annoying, whenever our parents come over to visit, not one of them has automatically taken off their shoes. NOT ONE of them. we have a shoe rack at the front, and our place is fully carpeted. we don't get it, at all. it is so weird.

    in the beginning, we didn't think to ask them to take off their shoes, because we expected them to do it themselves. now, we'll have to keep it in mind. ugh, so annoying.

  7. shopaholic

    bananas / 9973 posts

    I haven't read through all the replies, but I will say that after hosting my sister's bridal shower, I will no longer be worried about my guests' opinions, and will be asking everyone to take off their shoes when they enter our house (especially after baby comes!)
    I'm Chinese and always grew up with removing shoes before coming in the house. We always had slippers for guests and I do so in my home as well, but find most of my friends are comfortable barefoot (the older generation prefer the slippers).
    Having a LO is an even better excuse to ask people to remove their shoes. There are a few different signs I like, but this one is perfect to use LO as the main reason!
    It says: "Since little fingers touch our floor, Please remove your shoes at the door"
    And I need to get those booties for handymen, etc. like @mrbee said. Their shoes tend to be the dirtiest!

  8. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    Keep the house shoe-free, never invite guests!

  9. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    Wow this is so interesting! We definitely wear shoes in the house .and I would feel totally rude asking my guests to remove their shoes. It isn't a cultural norm here at all. I don't think I've been more than one place where I was asked to remove my shoes., and it would make ke uncomfortable to do so since my shoes are usually smelly. I just have one friend who started doing it after she spent time in Korea.

  10. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    We don't wear shoes in the house (asian household and we had carpet growing up). now we have laminate in all the main sections of the house. It's ok if a guest wears their tennis shoes in the main portion, but we always, always take our shoes off. When i see carpet, i automatically assume shoes are a no-no in someone's house. If someone's doing manual labor inside the house (uh, once a year?), they can keep their shoes on. I don't want them dropping something on their feet or a nail to be a safety hazard. When we had the floors installed, I had to wear shoes, too, because of rogue staples

    With a baby running around, I'll ask people to remove their shoes. My house, my rules

  11. LazyLightning

    pear / 1664 posts

    In my region of the country (northern midwest), everyone takes shoes off. You would NOT walk in to someone's home with your shoes on. It is extremely rude. Mainly, I believe this goes to it being a farm community half the year, and wintery the other half. So you wouldn't track a bunch of field dirt in to someone's home, nor would you do it with snow/ice/salt. It's just second nature to take your shoes off, and when someone doesn't, it seems very odd.

  12. rachiecakes

    coconut / 8279 posts

    I would absolutely respect someone's wishes it I were a guest in their home, but I would be terribly self-conscious and uncomfortable without my shoes. Shoes are usually a big part of my outfit and make me taller, confident and put together. I'd feel half-naked without them.

  13. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    So funny how different things can be. Leaving shoes on beyond the front door/foyer is so weird to me! You go inside, you take your shoes off! Why would you need shoes inside?!

  14. CupQuakeWalk

    coconut / 8475 posts

    If I go to someone's house I always assume to take my shoes off! Therefor, they should be prepared in their own socks or whatever....
    It's your house...I agree: it should be shoe free:) and you shouldn't have to offer anything....in fact, i've never been offered and I think its sort of odd to offer (only because I've never heard of it, I guess)

  15. tysonja

    nectarine / 2217 posts

    interesting!! i think i've only been to one house in my life where people wore their shoes indoors? totally a hazy memory, so not even sure if that ever even happened! i've lived in both ends of canada... maybe a more northern-y thing?


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