When your DH does something unintentional that upsets you, how do you manage to keep your emotions in check? I have been on the waiting list for a parking lot that would reduce my commute time by about 30 minutes a day for over a year. I finally got to the top of the list and they mailed a letter informing me with instructions on how to pay and a deadline, DH got to it first and didn't know what it was and shoved it in a drawer with a bunch of other mail without telling me. I finally discovered it this weekend after a full month went by and flipped out! Now I am back on the list and have to wait another year for a spot to open up. I'm so mad about it because I've begged DH to either not check the mail or leave it out for me to look at before putting away specifically because I was waiting for this letter! He has ocd and cannot stand a mess so never took me seriously until I was screaming this weekend!

What are things that you've been through where you managed to keep your cool? It's two days later and I am still really mad.

Oh and for the record, checking the mail in the first place is totally out of character for him so I had no reason to think he might have gotten it. And we do have a place where mail goes, but it's only for bills that need to be paid so I wasn't checking it regularly for this letter.