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How long were your parents married before they had kids?

  1. Mrs. Grizzly Bear

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4555 posts

    My mother was one month pregnant with my brother Michael when she was married. Sixteen months later, my sister was born. Five years after that, I was born.

    In my case, I'm apparently taking a leaf from my mother's book - I was something like 6.5 months pregnant with Henry when I got married (the wedding was planned before we found out we were pregnant) and our next LO is due in a month (about a 14 month age difference).

  2. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    I think just about 1.5 years. DH and I were married for 2.5 years, but I'm also younger than my mom was.

  3. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    They had me right away, I was a honeymoon baby. I have a brother from my mom's previous marriage but my dad adopted him.

  4. Mrsbells

    squash / 13199 posts

    A year

  5. lemondrop

    bananas / 9118 posts

    7 years, but they got married after knowing each other for only a month!


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