My twins are getting to the point where they are almost too tall for their infant seats, so it's time for me to bite the bullet and get convertible seats. Here's my dilemma- they have two different care takers (a nanny 3 days a week, my mom the other two). Infant seats were easy, because of the bases. Convertible seats are different- If I get car seats for everyone's cars, I'm looking at buying SIX car seats (me, the nanny and my mom). If I buy four, I would keep two in my car at all times and then transfer the other two between my mom and the nanny. That would be installing in the nanny's car on Monday, uninstalling them on Wednesday night, installing them in my mom's car on Thursday morning, and uninstalling them on Friday night.

To sum up:
- Do I buy six car seats, a set for each care taker and myself?
- Do I buy four car seats and do two installs and two uninstalls every week? If so, which car seats are the easiest to do this with?

ETA- I'm not sure if the nanny's car has LATCH capabilities.