Hellobee Boards


How many kids do your parents want you to have?

  1. Sapphiresun

    nectarine / 2220 posts

    My mother would like me to keep providing her with newborn babies to snuggle regularly until she dies...

    Just kidding. I have no idea how many either of our sets of parents want. DH and I both come from families of two, so I'd assume they think that's the ideal number.

  2. SugarplumsMom

    bananas / 9227 posts

    My mom and grandma are at it again telling me to have another, as if I can just say yes and pop one out! *eyeroll* Their reason is so DD will have a playmate. DH and I still have a few months before our upcoming family planning talk (we specified a date, lol). By that time, DD would be settled into daycare and us into our new routines. Plus, we just went on vacay for 2 weeks with both of us giving DD our undivided attention. Taking into account all the recent events, I think I'd be happy with whatever we decide.

    But to be honest, pre-vacay I was maybe 60% for TTC another. Coming out of vacation, I'm more 80% against it!!

  3. MummaColston

    olive / 50 posts

    HAVE ALL THE BABIES!!!! I don't have an exact number, but if we wait any more than a year then I'm pretty sure my parents (and maybe MIL) will be asking where #2 is.

  4. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    When LO was a week old, my mom told me not to wait too long to have another! I looked at her like she was crazy! But she said that she wished there wasn't such a gap between my brother and I (5.5 years). She wanted 3 kids, pretty close in age, but had fertility issues between me and my brother

    Long story short, but she wanted me to have at least 1 more, ideally 2 more.

  5. MamaMagpie

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    DS is 6.5 months and we are already getting the "well some day maybe he'll have a brother or sister" with raised eyebrows

  6. SugarplumsMom

    bananas / 9227 posts

    My mom and grandma casually brings up (every once in awhile) how I should have 1 more.

    MIL has hinted (very rarely) about how easier a second child is compared to the first.

    FIL hasn't mentioned anything.

    On good nights, followed by a good day, I admit I contemplate having another. But it doesn't take long for something to happen to make me realize we're not ready!

  7. Andrea

    GOLD / wonderful coffee bean / 18478 posts

    They have never said!

  8. hellocupcake

    persimmon / 1171 posts

    My dad says the more the merrier, my mom was happy with one from us and both ILs would have preferred we were child free. We're leaning more towards 3.


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