Next weekend DH and I are having dinner at the apartment of one of his longtime friends. The friend and his wife have invited pretty much all the couples in his/DH's circle of guy friends; DH and I strongly suspect this dinner is to announce that the wife is pregnant. They got married this past fall and wanted to try right away, so of course we'd be happy and excited for them.
The only tricky thing is...I'm pregnant, too! This is our third baby, so we've taken a pretty laid back approach and just have sort of been telling people as we go along. I'd be totally fine with just keeping quiet, letting this woman have her moment, and announcing later. But I'll be 13 weeks at this dinner, obviously not drinking, and probably looking a little is it totally awkward just not to say anything about myself? I feel like it's pretty rude for me to chime in and go "Oh, me too!" if they announce - particularly if I'm actually due BEFORE her, which is definitely a possibility! I guess DH could email his buddies ASAP so that our news is out there and is "old news" by the time the dinner rolls around? I'm torn, and since these are really DH's friends (I like the women enough, but I don't see them outside of our get-togethers with DH's buddies), I feel like our announcement probably needs to come from him. It's not like I can just text/email the other wives.
There's also a woman in the group who has been trying to get pregnant, and as far as we know, isn't I want to be sensitive to her situation as well. I totally get that it would suck for her to be bombarded with announcements when she's not expecting it, and that mine could be particularly offensive since I already have "my share" of kids, from her perspective.
Maybe I'm overthinking it, but I'd appreciate any thoughts or suggestions on handling this gracefully!