Happy surprises aside, when do you want to be done having kids?
We're a two maybe three family.
I'm hoping to be done by 35! (I'll be 31 in August, 1 DS -19months)
Happy surprises aside, when do you want to be done having kids?
We're a two maybe three family.
I'm hoping to be done by 35! (I'll be 31 in August, 1 DS -19months)
cantaloupe / 6869 posts
If we have two, hopefully I'll be 35. If we have three, probably 37!
persimmon / 1364 posts
No specific age in mind. I'm currently 30 and will be 31 by the time this baby, my 1st, is born. Ideally I'd like about 4 years between my children so I guess I'll be about 35 when the second one, (and last), comes along. Of course this is all conjecture.
squash / 13208 posts
Funny looking back I thought I would be done having kids by age 25!
I had my last at 35.
blogger / pomelo / 5361 posts
I'll be 32 when this kiddo arrives, and I'm thinking we are donezo after that!
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
Well, I'm expecting #2 any day and I'll be 23 when she is born. We're undecided about family size at this point but know we want at least a 3-4 year break before trying for another or another two. That'd put me around 28 before a future #3 and probably 30 for #4.
cantaloupe / 6687 posts
I'm 35 and pregnant with my second. We were thinking possibly 3 when we first got married but we are both feeling like we will be done having kids after this one. I don't ever want to be pregnant again and DH is very happy with 2 kids
pineapple / 12793 posts
If all goes according to plan #3 will be at 35 and #4 will be at 37.
pear / 1616 posts
pretty sure we're done after two. i turn 30 in a couple weeks and LO#2 is due a couple weeks after that!
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
thinking this is our last..so, I'll be 26 (almost 27) when baby is born.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
I wanted to be done by 35, but I'll be 30 when #2 arrives and then I think we'll be done!
coconut / 8483 posts
If we have four and everything goes smoothly, I guess I will be 32ish.
We only have one though, so not sure how many we will end up with. I just turned 26.
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
We want 3 kids and I'd like to be done by 28ish. We have one now and I'm 24.
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
I'm pregnant with #2 now and I'm 35. If we try for a 3rd, I'd like to right away, I want to be done by the time I'm 37.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
35! I'll be 30 when I have my first, so hopefully I'll have my 2nd by 33 so it's definitely feasible for me!
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
I'd want up to three kids. I'm 31.5 now and no LO's yet sooo.... I'm hoping I will be done by 36.
coconut / 8681 posts
We have 2 LOs now and I'm 24 (almost 25). Ill probably be 26 or 27 when we gave our third and hopefully 28 or 29 when we have #4. So I'm aiming to be done by 30!
honeydew / 7295 posts
I honestly don't know. I don't make rules for this. Biologically I'll be done when my body decides to start menopause and my husband only wants two kids at this point , though his recent confession that he loves being a dad makes me think he could change his mind someday. I'm 37 now and we are trying for number 2. My age is not really a factor in when to stop but its a factor in getting moving on the process. I don care how old I am when we stop so long as babies are all happy healthy and we are too.
apricot / 456 posts
We hope to space our children with about 21 months in between them. If we're successful in that and our plans don't change, I'd be 41 when our sixth child is born.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
Not sure. I am 35 and if we have another I will be 36 or 37 but I wouldn't want to be pregnant any later then that.
blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts
We have two, and we feel pretty certain we're done. So by 30....
But we're leaving things open juuuust in case we change our minds, and we want to make that decision by the time we're 33... so I guess the absolute latest we'd have kids is 34!
pomelo / 5720 posts
I'll be 33 when this LO arrives and I think we will be done. If we decide to have a third for some reason, I hope to be done by 36.
kiwi / 687 posts
We just had our first (almost 6wks ago), I'm 30 and DH is 36. We think we want at least 3 but are open to more if that seems feasible as we move along... Assuming health/finances/etc was all in place I'd have no problem continuing into my 40s, either conceiving or adopting, if we still want to grow our family! Probably by 46 I'd expect to be finished, if biology hasn't stepped in and decided for me by then!
nectarine / 2079 posts
I will be 26 (almost 27) when #2 is due. Depending on how things go, I may want a 3rd, but I don't have a hard timeline. I think 30 would be my ultimate cut-off just for child spacing.
@Skadi: Ooooh 6. How many do you have now?
pear / 1846 posts
I hope to have 3 by 35. It is my 27th birthday today and I will be having my forst in january fingers crossed.
coconut / 8861 posts
Hopefully by 35, so by next year. I'm a two and through. I had LO #1 at 32.
grapefruit / 4554 posts
I'm 33 and done for now. had #2 5 months ago and we want a break if we decide on #3.
kiwi / 557 posts
Will likely be done after 2, so done by 35 is the plan (gives me a little over 3 years to make that happen).
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