I'm a very type-A person and like to be prepared for and plan for as much as I can in life. This one has thrown me for a curve so I'm hoping someone out there can help!
I'm currently 27 weeks pregnant. At my 20 week ultrasound, the doc found "echogenic bowel" which means the intestines are brighter in color on the screen than they should be. This can mean many things, including downs syndrome and cystic fibrosis. I got testing done for those and a few other things, and everything came back negative which was a HUGE relief. They then explained that, even though i didn't have those issues, they still wanted me to do monthly high-risk ultrasounds to "keep an eye on it", especially growth.
At my 23 week ultrasound they said the ecogenic bowel was still there, and that baby was in about the 40th-percentile for growth. They wanted to watch growth but that was a good number still.
Yesterday I had my 27 week ultrasound, and the echogenic bowel was still there and the growth was not as good. Her head / legs measured fine (actually OVER 50th percentile) but her abdomen was only the 15th percentile. They said this is likely a sign of asymmetric IUGR (inter-uterine growth retardation) which is one of the things they watch for with ecogenic bowel. It's not technically that yet, because it has to be more around the 5th percentile (not 15th) but it could get there as the weeks go on if her abdomen doesn't grow more. They said asymmetric IUGR is actually better than symmetric (where ALL the measurements are low) because that means the body is sending all the blood/nutrients to where it's needed most (the head and heart), so at least those areas are growing well. The other organs in the abdomen are still developed and work, they're just small.
SOOO... they said this is likely due to a placental issue and that there is a good chance (30% at the measurements currently, could go up if the measurements get worse) that they will need to do a c-section to take the baby out early so that she can grow better outside the womb.
Overall - the baby should be fine, everything is developing, she'll just be small and might need to be in the nic-U for a while. I'm very thankful that the news is not worse, but i'm still scared for the issues that may come up.
Does anyone have any advice on how to be prepared (mentally and practically) for a preme, C-section, or Nic U stay? I can't change the likelihood of this happening, so i want to try to be as prepared for this as I can.