Until now, I've had 2 episodes of migraines in my life. The first was around age 15, the second 27 when I was going through a very intense Masters Program, and now.

I get the "aura" before the migraine totally starts which is helpful. I see spots in my vision, like I've looked at the sun, but they don't go away and eventually cover my whole vision spectrum. But there's no pain during this 15 minutes or so and if I take measures immediately, I can prevent total debilitation, so I'm lucky.

Today's migraine started in the car on the way to my summer job. Awesome. I was running late, so I begged my best friend to bring me a diet coke and some Tylenol (the first time I've taken anything this entire pregnancy). The caffeine counteracts the expanding of the blood vessels. It works really well for me.

I wasn't sure I could teach today, much less read, but after about 20 minutes my vision cleared and I was just left with a regular headache. Thank goodness.

I hope this is not the start of many more to come!