The one thing I've learned from the Internet is that everyone is annoyed or offended by just about everything.

Here's a partial list of people that I go out of my way to congratulate or say anything potentially upsetting to:

* Women who might be pregnant - What if they're not?
* Women who I know had a baby but the baby isn't within my line of sight - What if something happened to the baby? A woman I know lost her baby at 5 months (I didn't find out until later), and the only thing that saved me from bringing it up when I saw her was this paranoid rule of mine.

I also avoid the following topics:

* Family plans - I never ask if someone is planning to have their first kid, or if they're planning to have another kid. What if they are having problems TTC?
* Who the baby looks like - My stock answer is: s/he looks so much like both of you! It's amazing!
* Milestones - I don't talk about our kid's milestones, or the funny things our kids say. I learned the hard way that this can make some other parents sad if their kid is lagging and/or not talking.

The short version: I basically never say anything to parents or pregnant women, ever. Well I do say things of course, but they rarely if ever have anything to do with parenting. We talk more about safer topics, like religion and politics.

Do you ever find yourself inhibited in what you can say when talking to parents and/or potentially pregnant people?