I am sitting here with my laptop on my lap/stomach and I wasn't moving at all... but I suddenly started feeling a weird muscle pressure right where she is. Almost like my muscles are tightening slightly and then loosening back up, slowly. It isn't constantly in the same place but it is in the same general area the whole time. I don't feel pops or bubble or butterflies. It feels like something is pressing on my muscles slowly... which is the best way I can describe it. It goes away completely when I take my laptop off though. Almost like it is putting pressure on her and she is moving against it.

Am I crazy? Could this be the beginnings of movement or am I just wishing too hard? I am 18 weeks today so the idea of movement isn't crazy, but whether or not this is it is a whole different story.

EDIT: After I finished typing this, the pressure went away completely. Almost makes me more convinced it was our little Hoglet.