I feel so conflicted. We are in-between TTC and Pre-TTC.
We are charting and actively starting to TTC in June after our BIG family trip to Vegas. I think I may have gotten pregnant though without the planning or the meds . Darn you sleepy sex right in the beginning of the fertile peak!!! It was a magical night but when you are half asleep you don't always think of what is going on

With Bug, I was really low in progesterone and needed supplements to get pregnant. It's can't have been this easy....I am nervous and kinda scared.

I so want to lounge by the pool in Vegas sipping on some tasty martinis and dance all night with my cousins at the clubs. If I am with child, I'm worried I'll be constantly peeing, napping, and trying not to feel nauseous! I'm off to go buy a test at lunch but can someone please help me feel excited if I am pregnant or make me feel not so sad if I am not?

I don't have any IRL people to talk to right now. My DH is dying for us to have another baby and my family is too. As for my friends, I'm not ready to really share this with anyone. I really feel scared and unsure. My last pregnancy was perfect but the effects from my c-section were traumatic and I don't think I've processed another pregnancy yet.