Hellobee Boards


I think there is something in the water!!!

  1. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @cherrybee: I followed your lead! You can call me marionberry now hehe.

  2. chibee

    pear / 1974 posts

    @marionberry @cherrybee it's funny bc i have an original hellobee account. I asked for an invite as soon as this site opened up, but it was using my real name, so when i decided to stop lurking and actually post, i decided to make a new account since you couldn't change your username at the time. It's silly bc I've posted my wedding pics in this thread but still, I felt weird about using my name so I totally get it.

  3. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    Holy crap ladies I am confused.... Lol
    Ok I think I have it sussed.

    I have some news:
    I am quitting my job. Handing in my notice on Monday. Giving 8 weeks notice. The week before Xmas is my last week. Phew.
    My DH convinced me. Phew it's gonna be a huge weight off my shoulders. By then we will be happy with the amount of debt paid off. I will go back to doing my business part time and maybe run a photography course again. But most importantly I will be staying at home getting the house in order, concentrating on my health and being fantastic (hopefully pregnant ) wife.
    I do still feel like I am letting DH down a bit but he assures me I'm not and this is the best move for us.

    Soo anyways back to TTC how are you ladies? @cherrybee @marionberry how's the tww? Any symptoms? Any sneaky early poas? @chibee have u o'd?
    I think I'm maybe a day or two away from o. I'm so nervous/excited ... I really think this could be our month!!! We are BD everyday. Question do u do a OPK once a day or more?

  4. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @mrssquirreld: no sneaky early poas for me. You can test for opk more than once a day. It's probably a good idea.

  5. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @marionberry: should they gradually get darker? My tests say not to use the first morning pee.. Is that right? I test at midday every day. I'm confused and scared I'm gonna miss a positive?!

  6. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @mrssquirreld: I test twice a day. Some peoples get gradually darker, some just get a positive with no fade in! Amazing news about your job, I think its the right decision. X

    TWW is ok. 9DPO today. I'm having cramps this cycle - I didn't have any symptoms last time and I was pg so I hope it doesn't mean anything! Might do an early POAS tomorrow as I got my faint positive 10DPO last time. Or I might not.... Eek! Starting to hope for a BFP which is dangerous, I didnt want to feel too sad if I didnt get pg straight away....

  7. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    Today is 7DPO for me. No symptoms yet :/.

    @Mrs squirreld: I test twice a day when I know I'm getting close to O, and during until I get a negative. My usual test time on once-a-day days is after work, so 6pmish. Just make sure you've held your pee a while.

    Yay for you and the job decision!!

  8. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @mrssquirreld: Ya I forgot to mention that last night, so totally happy about your decision and glad you're happy about it too. I think it's the right one. I only ever peed once a day just because I didn't have time and it made OPK reading hard. That's why I like the CBEFM, because I just pee on it when I get up and I'm good for the day!

  9. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    You are all fruits and berries!! Heheh
    Thanks ladies I will feel better when i know it's the end I guess.
    @marionberry: what's a CBEFM?

  10. chibee

    pear / 1974 posts

    @mrssquirreld: I think i'm getting close to O day - not sure but since observing EWCM we've been trying to BD every day, it's only day 3 for me but DH is finally showing more of an effort this cycle so at least that is an improvement. Also, when I get close to O day or I think that I'm about to O, I test twice, once around early afternoon, and once at night. My OPKs are weird, they are darker earlier in the cycle, then they disappear to almost nothing, then they get super dark as I get the LH surge, then fade to nothing after. Who knows. I keep track of them by taking a pic of it and keeping it in a document online, so I can compare the lines. Also, I know that decision wasn't easy for you but I'm so happy that you feel comfortable with it! That must feel like such a huge relief!

    @Marionberry @cherrybee @strawberrybee I can't wait for your TWW to be over, and hopefully with good news! Keep us updated!

  11. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @mrssquirreld: It's a Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor. It predicts not only your LH surge but your Estrogen surge right before LH to give you extra days to BD. Great investment, but not a cheap one. However, many girls get theirs used off of ebay or here from people who don't need them anymore.

  12. JoJoGirl

    cantaloupe / 6206 posts

    @marionberry: Haha love the new username!! DC resident?!

  13. chibee

    pear / 1974 posts

    @marionberry: I'm thinking of getting the CBEFM next cycle - do you think I should wait for at least one more before investing in one? I'm currently in cycle 3 of ttc. I just want it! haha also, I should prob put this in the charting thread, but your chart looks great - finally got your CH! Also you held out longer this cycle to test, that must've been hard! I see FF gave you CH before you got P readings on your monitor, is that conflicting? Doesn't P mean an LH surge? Just curious how FF corresponds w/the monitor readings. Anyway, I'm really hopeful for you this cycle!

  14. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @jojogirl: Well I did live in DC for a time, but returned back to my home in Oregon, where the marionberry was created.
    @chibee: Haha you are looking at it while I have FAM turned on this morning. Technically the monitor hasn't given me crosshairs because my monitor and my temps don't coincide. I think that it's because I didn't get a good test on cd 12 (the day I always P)...as in it looked really weird, maybe not enough urine...and so I got the P the following day. If I shift the P's, I'd probably get crosshairs. I'll probably switch it back to advanced before work this morning, because not having crosshairs prevents me from stressing about how many dpo I am. I still recommend the CBEFM because it takes a lot of stress away, but I would wait another cycle or two before you pay for it, since you're likely to get knocked up without it. I'm on cycle 7 on the other hand lol.

  15. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @marionberry: oh cool! @Cherrybee: test!!! Lol... U don't have to but I'm super excited...
    I have a REALLY good vibe about this month I think there is gonna be a few BFP "in the water" this/next month

  16. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @mrssquirreld: I sure hope you're right!

  17. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @marionberry: 7 is my favourite lucky number hopefull it is for you too!!!

  18. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    So, 10DPO and my temp dropped to a pre-O temp this morning. I also have a real AFy feeling, like she's coming today. The ***** isn't due until Tuesday!!! I tested anyway - just to check - and BFN, of course. I knew that this wasn't my cycle but I'm still pretty miffed, its like "I can't believe this has actually happened to me". I knew when I O'd, we BD'd at the right time, how HOW can I not be pg??? (forgive me, ladies, for being a drama queen but this is the first time it's happened to me - it'll be my first real AF since BCP, too).

    There goes my Christmas announcements. There goes having a perfectly sized baby bump at my BIL's wedding. There goes being pregnant myself when my BFF has her baby in a couple of weeks. Any hope that my child and hers will be close enough in age to be friends to slipping away.....

    (I'm wallowing in my own drama-queen induced misery!)

    Sigh, onto cycle #3. Long, 5-week, cycle #3.

  19. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @Cherrybee: aww hugs you are sooo entitled to feel like that!!
    The part is sooo frustrating when you know you BD all over O.. and nothing. chin up! 3rd times the charm!

  20. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @MrsSquirrelD: I just keep thinking that on every cycle a couple has a 20% chance of conceiving. That means that, during any 5 month period, you are likely to conceive one of those months (using some really dodgy probability workings-out!!). What if I had my chance - on the first month - and now I've got to wait up to 9 months to get my BFP again????? I know it's really crazy thinking.... and it doesn't work like that at all..... ugh. Drama!!!!

  21. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @Cherrybee: that's crazy! Don't think like that!!!

    I'm freaking cause there is two more days til DH leaves for a week and I haven't O'd yet.... Arrgggh

  22. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @MrsSquirrelD: Oh no!!!! Now that is something to freak out about!!! although remember, it's the BDing BEFORE O that results in a baby, so keep BDing and, hopefully, there will be enough swimmers in there waiting when the egg pops out! Sperm can live for up to 5 days in suitable CM, remember!

    Yeah, I know. I'm just being over dramatic! Onto cycle # 3 - now this one IS my cycle! 3 is the magic number!

  23. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @Cherrybee: i know....eeeek. everything is predicting Sunday to O... so I should be good... we've been BD everyday... and sunday night we have a nice hotel booking as I am driving him to his destination and staying overnight (and going to ikea! woooopwoop!) before I come back home...
    and I also may be looking at a second hand glider.....don't judge me.. if its in as good condition as the pictures look it is a BARGAIN!!!!!

  24. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @cherrybee: I'm so so sorry as I know that exact feeling. In fact I never got pregnant in my one in five chances at all. Your body was just probably not all normalized yet, and will probably be right as rain next time. I know that doesn't take the pain away, but I just know you'll have luck very soon, and it will be much sooner than 7 months.

    @mrssquirreld: I agree with cherrybee. As long as you're bd'ing up to when he leaves you still have a good probability of getting pregnant! I love IKEA, we have one about an hour from here. How fun! And I love that you get a fun hotel night. OMG I should post a pic on here of all the stuff I've bought so far for the future baby berry, lol. There's so much stuff. I would not judge you at all for picking up a glider. In fact I find it very responsible. By spreading out expenses you make it more affordable to have a baby. Good for you!

  25. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @MrsSquirrelD: A glider???? What, like a handglider??? Eh?!

  26. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @mrssquirreld: You mean like a kind of rocking chair right??

  27. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    Oh, a rocking chair.... ahh..... not a handglider!! I just thought as she's Austrlian she might be into extreme sports (but I WAS confused - and worried about her blood pressure!!). I feel silly now!!! But cheered up, for sure!

    Hahaha, just thinking of MrsSquirrel handgliding to where her DH is to BD because she O'd while he was working away. Hahaha!!!!!

  28. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @Marionberry: Thank you. i know I'm just working myself up and you're right my body has been all out of sorts this month!! It'll be nice to start a cycle with a sensible temp this time!!

    Oh and buying a glider is not responsible! She could break her neck hangliding - and then you'd feel guilty for encouraging her! Hahahahah!! Oh dear!

  29. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @cherrybee: The funny thing is that I could actually see her being willing to handglide to where he was to BD too! What a thought. And I think @mrssquirreld is right, this next month will probably be a very lucky one. In fact Jenny Renny predicted November to be my month. Let's hope she's right or that I'm already preggo. Wouldn't it be cool if we all got pregnant at the same time?!

  30. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @Marionberry: It would be amazing!

  31. chibee

    pear / 1974 posts

    @cherrybee: i'm so sorry you're totally allowed to be dramatic. but remember, it's 20% chance EVERY month. So you hit the 20% last month, but possibly didn't this month, doesn't mean you won't hit it next month.

    @mrssquirreld: make sure you BD until he leaves, then even if you O in the next 5 days you will be ok! I'm waiting to O as well, I just started BDing as soon as EWCM showed up since FF gave me CH on the first day of my positive OPK, so I really can't wait for a positive OPK to start the BDing! Let's hope O shows up for both of us real, real soon, like tomorrow!!!

    @marionberry: that would be awesome if we did get pregnant at the same time! What DPO do you think you're at right now??

  32. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @Cherrybee: yep here I am!!!!!! lol

  33. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    lol I can't believe I googled that and there was actually a picture!!

    @marionberry: @Cherrybee: but yes a glider as in rocker chair for our future nursery... I;ve had my eye on this one its perfect right colour and they retail for about $400 new this one looks to be in perfect condition and is $100... its from a very posh neighbourhood so i'm pretty sure its gonna be a score!!!!!
    Thanks for not making me feel guilty... I agree with the spreading out the purchases...especially when I am going to finish my job in 2 months!!!

  34. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @chibee: I can't wait for my positive OPK too!! Hopefully its sunday then we will have BD all the way up to it!

    @marionberry: yes please share your TTC baby purchases so I feel less guilty!!

  35. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @mrssquirreld: Love that picture! I'm sure the glider will be in good condition, if you said it's from a great neighborhood. I hope you get it! I'll go upstairs and take some pics and then upload them so you can see them. I decided to take today off as a "me day" since I've been so busy at work. It's awesome having the time to sleep in and do things like this.

  36. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    Here's a pic of everything we have so far. We've picked up some furniture pieces for the baby room that we'll repaint (we haven't done any of that yet) and we've picked up a lot of clothes (most are gender neutral but there are a few specific to a boy or a girl). We also have a number of bedding items (yellow and grey). And sorry, I didn't edit the photo, so it's not the best.

  37. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @marionberry: oh I love this!! I feel no guilt now! I love the chevron stuff!!! I'm totally on the lookout for furniture pieces to do up too!!! I'm gonna take a picture of my stuff too tomorrow!!

  38. chibee

    pear / 1974 posts

    Ok everyone, I'm getting really frustrated/annoyed with my cycle. I started observing a LOT of EWCM on CD12 and CD13, and now it's disappeared. It was EWCM for sure. I'm thinking right now, DH and I had a huge fight that went SO late into the night on the night of CD12 when I first observed it, do you think the stress of it is delaying ovulation? Ugh.

  39. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @mrssquirreld: Can't wait to see your stuff!
    @chibee: I wouldn't think it would delay ovulation. You're probably just a day or two away from a positive opk and maybe your EWCM will come back?

  40. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    Sigh. I've been such a misery tonight. I was super grumpy for the first half of the evening - really difficult and stroppy - and then, after dinner, I just broke down and sobbed for about half an hour. Poor DH, I don't know how he puts up with me! I really do need to get a grip!

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