nectarine / 2522 posts
@chibee: i know! It's friggen ridiculous!! I'm wishing back to a simpler time when I thought storks bought babies... Lol where is my stork!!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Mrs squirreld: well I wish your feelings about this cycle had been right. I am unable to drink at either holiday because I'm set to o over Christmas....super jealous of you!
@chibee: thanks for the encouragement but I'm foreseeing a big drop tomorrow. I have to get up an hour early so it will probably look pretty bad.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@marionberry: Awww yeah I'll probably O then too but I'm in the I don't care camp ( even though I really do) over Xmas.... Not drinking would bring on the "are you pregnant?" Questions and I really can't handle that
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Mrs squirreld: I totally agree! I will have to drink at least a little or there will be millions of questions.
pear / 1974 posts
@marionberry: i saw your chart this morning - damn this cycle to hell for everyone!!
@mrssquirreld: i had a nice BIG glass of wine last night - i honestly don't care anymore, got a positive OPK too yesterday, a blaring one, and didn't BD - I'm out of energy, both physically and mentally. I'm going to just see where FF puts my O date at (if i o'd even, looking at your chart, i feel the same might happen to me as well) and just focus on finishing up my holiday stuff!
Guys - here's to 2013 bringing us good news. It's been tough going for us all, but I think 2013 will be good to us!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@chibee: I totally think it will! Met with the RE today and had a fantastic meeting. Lots of testing to do next week but possibly get to do IUI with clomid this cycle. If not, then the next but I'm super duper excited. I could certainly be pregnant in January as he thought we had a good chance to get it the first try.
papaya / 10570 posts
@marionberry: That's great news!! I'm so glad your appointment went well! Wow, Clomid? You might end up with multiples next year!!!!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@cherrybee: I know! I'm not opposed to twins at all but thank God for 9 months to figure out how you're going to pay for daycare lol.
papaya / 10570 posts
@marionberry: You could ask them to take out a kidney while they're in there (doing a Cesarean) and sell it on the black market?? Lol. So do you feel better following your appointment? I'm feeling really positive for you!!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@cherrybee: If it weren't illegal I might consider it lol. I feel SO much better! I had resigned myself to never hoping for a BFP but after today's appointment I feel like one may be within a month or two of reach. I'm so excited that timing worked out so that I can try IUI right away. Infertility is certainly something I would never wish on my worst enemy, and if there is one thing I have learned it's that people in my shoes shouldn't wait the typical 1 year if they think there's reason they're not getting pregnant. Had I known that, I would've gone to the RE much sooner.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@marionberry: oooh that is exciting news!!
@chibee: I hear ya!
I stupidly tested this morning BFN. What was I thinking... urgh. This sucks. Hurry up AF and stop torturing me.
@Cherrybee: How are you going? How you feeling? When is your U/S?
nectarine / 2530 posts
@marionberry: I'm so glad to hear you in better spirits! It's nice to have a plan and an answer, and nicer still that you don't have to wait long to try IUI. Good luck!!!!!
pear / 1974 posts
@marionberry: i'm so happy the RE appointment went well for you! I'm so excited for your IUIs!!!
papaya / 10570 posts
@Mrs squirreld: Hello! I'm good, thanks. Been working away this week and came back to find DH had put loads of shelves up, put some pictures up for me and all sorts! I was so happy!!! U/S is today. I'm so, so nervous - convinced they're not going to find anything in there as my symptoms have gone. My mum didn't have any symptoms when she was pregnant though, so I'm sure it will be fine. You just never stop stressing, from the moment you start TTC!!!!
papaya / 10570 posts
Hi Everyone!! My ultrasound went really well!! The baby is measuring a few days further along than I thought - 8 weeks at one angle! - and we heard the heartbeat loud and clear! He/she came from my right ovary apparently (it's mad that they tell you that!) and everything is where it should be. We're both completely delighted. I couldn't wait to get back and tell you all.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Cherrybee: Congrats! So glad baby is happy and healthy (and big apparently) lol. It's totally cool what they can tell on an ultrasound. I just had one today for other reasons and it's crazy to watch them count your follicles! I had 12 on one ovary and 15 on the other. At one point she goes...this is a cyst, but it may just be where your last egg came from (and it turns out it was). Crazy stuff.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@Cherrybee: oh how amazing!! I am so excited for you... it must have felt so good to hear that heartbeat. Have you told anyone else yet? Hows the nursery reno coming along? Let me live through you!! lol
@marionberry: isn't medical things just amazing!!
I am totally confused with my body this month so here I am on CD38.....BFN,.. cycle is 4 days longer so far than last one. And just to throw more confusion in there DH & I BDed this morning just for "fun" ( wow!! lol) and I finished and he didn't ( he wasn't feeling well but didn't want to say no to me...aww lol) and so afterwards I went to the bathroom (TMI WARNING) and there was ALOT of this because I "finished" or was aroused?? Or is my body gearing up to O????? I will take an OPK later today as I am sooo confused. Just want to get your take on it as you ladies are my world of knowledge and Dr Google isn't helping me!!
pear / 1974 posts
@mrssquirreld: are you absolutely positive that your OPKs were positive earlier in the cycle? I had a lot of trouble with OPKs that were so so close to positive for so long - i only knew when the real LH surge was coming when I had a ton of true EWCM. It doesn't seem like you o'd going by your chart although your temps are few and far in between (like mine this cycle) - definitely keep an eye on your CM and keep temping, that would be my advice. Such trouble this cycle - we really need to learn to relax and get our bodies to produce normal cycles!
nectarine / 2522 posts
@chibee: I'm 100% sure that the opks from earlier this month were positive... The lines were darker than the control!! My temps were all over the place as they were taken as different times and my sleep pattern was all over the shop- so I was just happy to give up this month and get on with it... But now not AF and I'm totally confused. I'll starting temping again this week as my sleep pattern should be back to normal this week.
nectarine / 2522 posts
So yep positive opk.... This month is friggen weird... So maybe my body tried to O hence the positives before then failed ( why my temps stayed low) and is now trying again?
nectarine / 2522 posts
wow the colours look really weird on my computer ( looked different on my phone!)
pear / 1974 posts
@mrssquirreld: i definitely think that you had an LH surge and didn't o - and this is the surge that will finally release that egg! Keep temping!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@mrssquirreld: I agree with @chibee. You must be trying again.
@chibee: From your other post on another thread, I'd recommend going in to see your doctor and having them run cd3 bloodwork and 7dpo bloodwork. This will monitor your eggs, ovulation and hormone level in the first one and whether you ovulated in the second one. From there you'd likely find many answers.
Given the long cycles and failed ovulations for both of you, I'd definitely recommend going in sooner rather than later. Finding out now that something as simple as my thyroid may be keeping me from getting pregnant makes me wish I'd known this information much sooner!
pear / 1974 posts
@marionberry: i'm seriously considering calling the doctor. If you had to take a guess, what do you think is causing my inconsistent cycles?
nectarine / 2522 posts
@marionberry: here the doctors don't really want to see you until you have been trying for 6 months if you are under 30... which I guess isn't that far away. I just don't understand. My cycles were so regular and then right as we start trying they get longer and longer...I have NEVER EVER had a cycle this long before. I feel so disappointed in nature is telling me I shouldn't be a mum... is that stupid?
pomelo / 5041 posts
@chibee, @messquirreld: I'm no doctor so I can't say but long and irregular cycle lengths are consistent with pcos. Also hormone issues, like mine with thyroid can create that failed or delayed ovulation. I was always under the impression you had to wait a year but found out it isn't quite the case. Since you're not having regular cycles your dr.'s may see you early. I don't want to scare you but finding out means you can treat it, aka closer to baby.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@marionberry: I think I'll stay in denial a bit longer... this really upsets me. There is only so far DH & I have agreed to go medically and I don't think I'm ready to hear what they have to tell me yet.... I just want to focus on eating healthy and exercisin and trying not to cry over the fact that I'm not pregnant.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@messquirreld: good eating and exercise can actually help both of the things I mentioned above. It's ok to just do that if that's what you're comfortable with.
pear / 1974 posts
@marionberry: i wish this all could be as easy as we all thought it was back when we were 16!! this is frustrating.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@chibee: I totally agree! My mom always got pregnant the first time she tried, so it's been entirely depressing to try over and over again to no baby. I always thought it would be easy for me too. But since I started finding out what's wrong and doing something about it I feel so much better. I finally feel like maybe I'm getting closer to a baby being my reality. The reason I tell you guys to act on things sooner than a year is because I wish I would've sooner than I did. *Hugs from a girl who knows what it's like!*
pear / 1974 posts
@marionberry: i totally agree, i want to do everything I can right now because this delay is annoying me. I always did want to get a checkup done anyway and i think i just need to know if there is something wrong. I would hate to think I sat here this whole time with something that had been fixable all along, I know what you mean.
nectarine / 2522 posts
Ok so I feel like I am losing my marbles again. I know it's faint but can you see a second line? Am I totally bonkers? Should I get a digital or save myself the heartache?
pear / 1974 posts
@mrssquirreld: ok i totally see it - please go out immediately and get a digital
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