nectarine / 2522 posts
@StrawberryBee: It's hard to know what else my room will need without having it set up.. so I'll just have to keep waiting! For some reason when I watched birthing videos whilst TTC I felt totally empowered by I'm like holy &^*% I have to do that..... lol
I've been hitting the online sales for baby clothes this morning and will definately go to another baby market before he comes
nectarine / 2530 posts
@marionberry: so glad to hear it! Funny, we had a similar lunch money thing happen with my dss yesterday
@Mrs squirreld: part of my issue with the videos is that they were from 1988. The dialog was so cheesy it was hard to take it seriously. And some medical procedures and equipment have changed since. Oh well, we can get through anything for a day or two, right?! I just woke up from a dream where I gave birth without meds.
We actually have very few newborn clothes. May have to buy some emergency onesies if the little lady is really little
pomelo / 5041 posts
@StrawberryBee: I do NOT understand why everywhere only shows the birthing video from the 80s. Shouldn't there be an updated version out there somewhere?
nectarine / 2530 posts
@marionberry: according to the instructor the videos are pretty expensive, and she hasn't found any new ones she likes. DH tried to volunteer us to be the new stars of the videos lol. H*ll to the no!
but seriously:
mother #1: I wish my labor could have lasted longer!
mother #2: motherhood has changed me so much! I feel so transformed by this experience, being a mother is so incredible.
father #2: and her boobs got bigger, too.
doctor: we're going to use the vacuum to help your baby out. *brings out a flowbee device*
our instructor: yeah, it doesn't look like that any more.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@StrawberryBee: It just seems crazy!! How graphic is it?? Like.. do you see the babies head come out? I watch alot on youtube, usually the nice calm ones to empower myself and I was thinking about getting DH to watch one with me, but then I chickened out, thinking I was gonna scar him! lol, but if he has to watch the one at the hospital, he might aswell watch a half decent one with me first huh??
nectarine / 2530 posts
@Mrs squirreld: fully graphic! Head crowning, twisting to get the shoulders out while mom moans in agony. Good times.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@StrawberryBee: oooh in that case I think I'll get him to watch a good one at home... I eased him into it last night with an episode of one born every minute.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@marionberry: @StrawberryBee: @Cherrybee: @chibee:
WE ARE MOVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wooooooooooooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
nectarine / 2530 posts
@Mrs squirreld: woohoo!!!!!!!! What did you end up deciding on? Big $$$ and better facilities, or...? Will it be before or after baby is born?
nectarine / 2522 posts
@StrawberryBee: We ended up getting the position with the big $$$ after all that drama... so excited and happy and it will create a great start for us.. we can buy a house, go overseas..... so excited! We should be moving in about 6 weeks.. cutting it fine, but should give us 1-2 months to be settled before bub comes. Hopefully he doesn't come early.....but atleast now I won't have a two hour drive to the hospital.. it will be just down the road so I'll be able to labour at home aslong as possible. I can't believe everything has worked out. I feel so lucky.
nectarine / 2530 posts
@Mrs squirreld: this is awesome, how exciting!!!! Fwiw I think it sounds like a great choice. Do you guys get help in moving at all? It must be such a relief to know that the choice is made and that you'll be near the hospital
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Mrs squirreld: that's such great news! I'm glad it all worked out after all. And you have plenty of time to get settled. Yay!
nectarine / 2522 posts
@StrawberryBee: DH's work come and pack all our stuff, move it, clean our house and unpack at the other end!!! Perfect for a pregnant woman!!! Apparently I can even get OB's permission to fly there (company paid) as we are moving over 2000kms away.. but I'm undecided I don't really want DH driving by himself but I'll see how uncomfortable I am at 31 weeks.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@marionberry: Thanks! It totally feels right now and I've looked into all the mothers groups and exercise mum & bubs classes, I'm really excited, we don't have anything like that where we live now... plus we'll be on the coast again!!! wooooo hooo and close to this!!!
nectarine / 2522 posts
@marionberry: @StrawberryBee: thanks I'm so excited!! Can't wait to move now! only thing I'm worried about now is getting a good house.. We don't get to choose. Fingers crossed!!
pear / 1974 posts
@Mrs squirreld: that's great! that beach looks amazing, I live by the beach but it's nothing like that haha I can't wait to see what your place looks like!
nectarine / 2522 posts
@Cherrybee: Oh I just discovered the UK brand Next clothing for babies......and they have an Australian distributor!! SOOOOOOO adorable!!!! Have you bought much stuff from there???
nectarine / 2522 posts
@marionberry: so cute right??! I pretty sure they ship to the US too
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Mrs squirreld: so I just google next? Or do you have a website for them?
nectarine / 2522 posts
That should take u to the USA site
papaya / 10570 posts
@Mrs squirreld: @marionberry: Heeey!! You've discovered Next!!! This is so funny to me because it's one of our high street women's clothes stores and there is one on every retail park and in every town centre. To be honest, I rarely go in there! It's a little overpriced. They have Home stores as well and the stuff in there is really lovely - but, again, really expensive. We bought our nursery curtains from Next but I haven't even looked in the baby clothes department - I think DH would have a heart attack if I started buying baby clothes from Next (as opposed to the local supermarket!)! I'm hoping to get a few gifts of clothing from there, though, when LO is here.
How is everyone?
I'm in full nesting mode! I'm working from home today and I'm washing my sofa cushion covers while I work!
nectarine / 2522 posts
@Cherrybee: expensive???!!!!! Try shopping in Australia where every nice outfit is easily $30+ (18-19£ +) it's friggen ridiculous! Everything I've bought so far has been on sale...except for now, I love the stuff on next!
I'm feeling good... DH & I are fighting a bit which sucks... I can't wait to move, we are both so unhappy here... I don't even know what we are fighting about half the time it's ridiculous... I know my hormones aren't helping either... It does make me nervous for how we'll cope when bub is here and we are getting zero sleep!
Yay for nesting !!! Haha that's so funny, I was vacuuming the couch tonight and thinking I should really wash the cushion covers... Not much nesting I can do until we move, I'm more like in full on cleanse/chuck out/we don't need this mode!!
papaya / 10570 posts
@Mrs squirreld: Ugh, expensive clothing sucks! Over here, you can buy a pack of two sleepers for £7 ($11) or a cute little t-shirt for £3 ($5), a cute little dress for £10 ($16) at the supermarket, while you do your weekly food shop!
Oh no, what kind of stuff are you arguing about? Is he stressed out about the move and job change?
nectarine / 2522 posts
@Cherrybee: oh jealous!!! You can get like socks and onesies at our grocery shops but that's it.
No, he's very happy/excited about the move.... He's just very stressed about where we currently are and it's going to be around 6 more weeks before we can move. We mostly fight because I want to spend more time together and he wants to sit and play computer games and be alone. I totally get that he needs time to himself too, but it bugs me that he is always playing games. He does NO EXERCISE and is eating really poorly and I've tried talking to him about it and he just flips out, gets angry and says he has no time. Both of his parents are diabetics and his dad and uncle just had heart attacks.... But he doesn't see the need to change his health habits... Arggggh. I also feel like he resents me for being home everyday, he thinks I need to do more things alone.... I would love to go out but where we currently live it is tiny, there is no amenities and I don't have a lot of friends in our town.
nectarine / 2522 posts
So the rollercoaster that is life continues.... DH got a phone call today from the new place where we are supposing to be moving and now due to some technicality on the advertising position it might not be ours, even though we were GUARANTEED placement... seriously this is sooooo crap. I've been bawling all night, I just can't believe this is happening, we were told it was ours. We are supposed to have priority placement. I just don't understand. We are supposed to hear back definite on Monday... geez thanks for the great Friday night news..a-holes. DH is on night shift and I'm a mess. Crying into my nachos.... I know its just important that we are all together and that's what matters.. but seriously I can't handle this unknown crap anymore... Do they not realize I'm PREGNANT.. get your shit together and MOVE US...... ok vent over.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Mrs squirreld: I'm so sorry to hear about that! I really hope it all works out so that you can stop dealing with all of this bologna.
@cherrybee: @mrs squirreld: You guys are so lucky that you can buy things like onesies in grocery stores. For us it's groceries only. But thank God for Target. I practically live there and they have everything! And I'm in LOVE with Next. I found it pretty cheap compared to prices here. I'm likely going to order a few things.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@marionberry: thanks... Gotta keep my chin up but I just feel like everything keeps wanting to work against us.
Our target stuff is overpriced, it sucks... US target is sooo much better can't wait to see what you get!!
nectarine / 2522 posts
@StrawberryBee: @marionberry: @Cherrybee: @chibee: just wanted to share good news !!!
DH officially got the transfer!!! We are moving!!!!! Probably in about 4 weeks!!
My best friend just got engaged!!!! In Venice!!! So over the moon and happy for them!
And we had a 3D ultrasound- which was very cool. Hello third trimester!! And hello our beautiful little boy!!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@Mrs squirreld: WOOHOO!!!! Oh, I'm so glad it all worked out and you got the transfer. What a roller coaster this must have been for you.
Hello baby squirrel!! Isn't it so awesome to see a real face and think that he's in there?
For me, it's hello week 34. Sh*t's gettin real
nectarine / 2522 posts
@StrawberryBee: oh wow!! Where does the time go hey? Do you feel ready?? And yes I totally loved seeing his little face!! Apparently he has big feet too! Lol
nectarine / 2530 posts
@Mrs squirreld: I'm not sure, but I have a feeling these last weeks are going to fly by!
Ready in terms of stuff? Yep. I mean, I still have to pack hospital bags and do some more loads of laundry, but if she came tomorrow we'd deal :).
Ready mentally? n'uh. I'm scared to death of doctors and hospitals and I'm afraid I'm going to be a tense mess when I go into labor, because I can't stand people touching me and being the center of attention. Everything I've read about labor says that the more relaxed you are, the better off you are. If that's true I'm in trouuuuuble. I'm trying not to think about it too much.
Now that we're getting closer I'm going to start telling the doctors at my practice my concerns, but I know I won't be able to do it without bursting into tears (yay preggo hormones + phobia!), so not sure how much I'll be able to choke out. I can manage doctors in small doses out of necessity (I'm realllly good at hiding it), but considering that I could feel my heart rate increase just taking a tour of the hospital...
pear / 1974 posts
@Mrs squirreld: yay! i'm so glad it worked out for you! wow the 3D ultrasound pictures are truly amazing, what a little cutie!!!
@marionberry: I honestly look forward to my sunday trips to target, even if i don't have anything i really need i can spend quite a good chunk of time just walking around haha
@StrawberryBee: I hate hospitals too. my mom was in and out of hospitals for years and years and i just hate everything about it. I'm confident though when the time comes you will be brave!
Yesterday was a mix of emotions for me. My sister in law had her beautiful baby boy and we went to visit her in the hospital. I am totally in love, but it was hard not to feel a little bit sad afterwards. We started the whole process of TTC before we heard of their pregnancy news and here we are, still without a baby, congratulating and fawning over theirs. Don't get me wrong, I honestly am very truly happy for them but there were some selfish wah my life sucks moment in there!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@chibee: I'm so sorry! I know exactly how you feel. When my stepbrother's son was born we were at 10 months of trying. I was not excited for them at all, even though he was a cute kid. It was a very vibrant reminder that we weren't pregnant. However we did get pregnant just 2 days later, so I can't totally complain. It's always going to be hard to endure, but eventually it will be you giving birth and others will be jealous.
@mrs squirreld: So happy about the transfer! Yay! Finally you know for sure what's going to happen and can get really excited. I have a cervical ultrasound next Thurs and I'm kind of hoping our OB will be nice enough to flip on the 3d and show us our boy's face even if for just a second. Otherwise we'll likely pay for another 3d ultrasound from an outside vendor.
@strawberrybee: You are getting close but it sounds like you're pretty well prepared. I work for a health system and am in a hospital all the time now so it's relieved any fear I have about hospitals, but I totally understand your worries. I'm not good about talking through my concerns with my doctor either. Maybe come in with a list and your husband and if you don't feel comfortable, have him ask for you?
@cherrybee: How long until you're due? It can't be long right?! How's the GD going? I bet you're eating so much healthier now. I am DEF not!
nectarine / 2522 posts
@Cherrybee: OK I totally stalked you on your due date thread, but thought I better not comment there! lol
YOU ARE GETTING INDUCED THIS SUNDAY?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy crap, you would not believe how excited I am for you! I am going to be stalking HB like there is no tomorrow! How do you feel? excited? nervous? Tell us everything!
papaya / 10570 posts
@Mrs squirreld: Hello!! I'm glad you commented on this thread, I couldn't find it yesterday - I'd forgotten it was on the TTC board. I can't believe it's coming up to to a year since you and I first started chatting on here!!
Yes, I'm being induced on Sunday. I will be 38+4. They're inducing early, mainly because of my GD. We have also had some reduced movements - they have been monitoring me very, very closely but it really is the best thing for her to get her out now! I nearly fell off the chair when the doctor said "Right, let's book that induction in.... it will be Sunday". AGH! I've been waiting for this baby for 9 months plus the 4 months it took to conceive her and all of a sudden it seems a little bit quick, haha! We're completely, 100% ready, everything's washed and waiting for her to come home..... but what on earth do I do with her once she's here?!!!
I'm pretty scared about the induction and about giving birth. I'm trying to take it all in my stride but it's hard not to worry about pain and everything that can go wrong.... but I am also pretty excited. We're getting this show on the road! This week is dragging (they told me Monday)...!
How are you? Any more news on the big move? Do you have a date yet? How's your little boy doing in there?
nectarine / 2522 posts
@Cherrybee: A year... are you serious??! Where did that go!?
oh my goodness I am so excited for you! Just remember your body is made to do this! You will do great and you are in the hands of health care professionals
I'm glad you are ready... but I know what you mean about what do I do with bub! I go from "I'll be an awesome mum" to "Holy crap I'm gonna break the baby" But I guess instinct kicks in right? That's what I'm telling myself. I'll be thinking of you Sunday xo
I'm good, really good. Apart from the lack of sleep I feel wonderful. Really no complaints, its all a bit surreal really. It feels like yesterday we were wishing for those positive test and now here we are waiting for our babies to be in our arms. We have just about everything we need now, just have to order my breast pump and our monitor and ofcourse set up the nursery!! The removalists will be here in 6 DAYS!!! I am so excited! We then get put in a hotel (DH has another few days at work) and then we have a 3 days drive to our new home. So Monday the 29th we get the keys to our new place, the removalists will unload and the nursery will be the first room I set up! lol... no doubt DH will unpack our TV, computer and bed... and I'll make him install my new dishwasher too ( my present to myself for becoming a mum... I have no time for dishes now! haha) But I cannot wait to feel settled and get cooking and nesting and feel at home! I can't believe this little boy will be here in 9 weeks or less.... hopefully he stays in til atleast 36 weeks though! He was breach still at my last appt, but he had hiccups yesterday and they felt like they were in my butt...hahah so I'm hoping he's turned around. Still plenty of time... I'm staying positive, practicing my hypnobirthing attitude.
p.s. I want to see nursery pics!!!!!!!!!
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