pomelo / 5041 posts
@chibee: I finally got to look at your chart today and it's down again but it could either a) go back up again or b) go down further. I think tomorrow will really tell. I know you're just ready for AF so hopefully the answer comes soon. Hugs!
papaya / 10570 posts
@chibee: Raaaa, piddle off Aunt Flo - or at least hurry up and come so you can go away again sharpish. Agh, I hate that biatch. ((hugs))
pear / 1974 posts
@marionberry: @Cherrybee: yuck i know! every day i'm like ok, tomorrow will tell, tomorrow will tell, and it's been a whole week of this, i am emotionally exhausted!! I am cramping so badly the past two days now I am feeling like I have a stomach virus or something!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@chibee: The worst part is that I cramped a ton when I was pregnant, so it doesn't always mean AF either. I really hope she rears her ugly face soon or you get a BFP. This waiting thing is annoying.
pear / 1974 posts
@marionberry: AF finally here. I wasn't even hopeful at this point I just wanted the damn thing to start. Ugh I feel like I'm chasing after a ghost at this point.
papaya / 10570 posts
@chibee: Noooooo. I'm so sorry hun. You went to see a doctor didn't you - was it an RE? Did you decide on any course of action?
pomelo / 5041 posts
@chibee: I'm sorry! Since your OB didn't find an issue you'll just try again for a bit before a SA right? I'm happy you can get ready to start another cycle though.
pear / 1974 posts
@Cherrybee: @marionberry: I saw my OB a week ago and she just ran blood work - everything normal, I am ovulating and everything. Technically, that was only our third time trying (do you remember my whole ordeal with DH?) so I will give it maybe one or two more cycles before taking any action I think.
My biggest source of stress right now is my SIL's baby shower this Saturday - I literally cannot think of anything worse at the moment. We are definitely not close, and I just am not in the mood to deal with this, and it's absolutely not anything I can miss out on. Like it makes me want to crawl into a hole and die thinking about having to attend this, and then i KNOW people are gonna turn to me and tell me that it's my turn, when am I having one, I will literally scream.
bananas / 9899 posts
@chibee: That's so tough. Why can't people just keep their noses out of other people's business? They have no idea what you are going through, they shouldn't be asking personal questions.
pear / 1974 posts
@pui: I know, I've been dealing with this for a year now, people asking me when I'm gonna have a baby, at work, at family things, at first I just laughed it off but now it's really getting to me.
bananas / 9899 posts
@chibee: It's kind of like "Uh, if I could be pregnant now, I would! Please shut up kthxbai".
pear / 1974 posts
@pui: A lot of times I feel like screaming at them I'M TRYING LEAVE ME ALONE ITS NOT THAT EASY but usually I'm like oh well I already have two babies (my dogs), laugh and then walk away. I'm going to be doing this a LOT this Saturday and it's literally depressing me.
bananas / 9899 posts
@chibee: Sorry you have to deal with that. Hang in there, and I hope people do not give you too hard a time...
pomelo / 5041 posts
@chibee: I had this exact problem with my SILs shower. We had been trying forever and I was in no mood to go. Luckily she planned it for my birthday weekend so I said I already had plans. Can you make up plans you "already had"? Those situations are the worst. I feel for you!
papaya / 10570 posts
@chibee: Urgh, that's the worst kind of horror to face, too, because it's public. Not only do you have to endure all the cute tiny baby things and your SIL's big pregnant belly basically smacking you in the face over and over, but you have to keep it together in front of everyone and answer their horrible, insensitive questions. Just awful. I really feel for you. Could you pretend to be ill? Have a sudden case of something no pregnant woman wants... like German Measles?! Or just a nasty cold?!!!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Cherrybee: @chibee: The Flu! It would be great! No pregnant woman wants to be around something that could give them a fever! And I hate dealing with those stupid comments..."when is it going to be your turn"...just makes you want to cry. No woman should ever have to deal with that, in my opinion.
pear / 1974 posts
@marionberry: @Cherrybee: I'm literally praying to god that I'll actually come down with something horrible before Friday - like a legit sickness. Unfortunately, my mom is going and so is my MIL who lives with us at the moment and doesn't want to go as much as I don't want to go (probably slightly less though) and we all need each other for support lol but still, I'm really praying I get sick so i don't have to go. I'm really dreading it, can I just hide and not talk to anyone??
pomelo / 5041 posts
@chibee: You can definitely try to avoid people and not say much, but you're still sitting through the shower. It sucks that your MIL lives with you, so you're kinda stuck there. Hey anyone can fake a bad stomach ache! lol.
pear / 1974 posts
@marionberry: i feel somewhat bad that i'm dreading her baby shower because it is a cause for celebration but man, i do not feel celebratory whatsoever. tonight my MIL was showing me pictures that my SIL sent her of the nursery and it is totally not my MIL's fault, but it killed me. i need to snap out of it.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@chibee: well maybe think that the sooner it comes, the sooner you're through it and can move on?
pear / 1974 posts
@marionberry: well that was kind of brutal, what kind of cruel joke is it that i was actively on the heaviest day of AF and had to sit through that?? ugh.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@chibee: oh you went? I'm proud of you! That would have been super hard. It was very brave. It's done now though and this cycle is another new start, another chance. xox
pomelo / 5041 posts
@chibee: I agree with @mrssquirreld. Good for you for making it through. Now you can move on and go back to just focusing on yourself and getting rid of AF so you can begin again.
pear / 1974 posts
@Mrs squirreld: @marionberry: thanks guys sorry for being so mopey and whiny - i need to stop feeling so sorry for myself!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@chibee: Exactly! We know what it's like and that's why we don't think you're being mopey at all!
nectarine / 2522 posts
@chibee: @marionberry: @StrawberryBee: @Cherrybee: Ladies!!!!!!! Miss you.... well except you @marionberry: as we share the same month thread
@chibee: how are you? I feel like a stalker trying to find you in threads..lol Hows everything going? I hope you are staying strong and I"m sending my baby vibes your way everyday. Is anything else happening lately? Maybe something good to distract you? Hows all the clean up effort in NJ, have things got back to normal yet?
@Cherrybee: You girl are looking fabulous!!! Seriously, you looked so great at the wedding!! How are you feeling otherwise? Hows the nursery going? Are you finished? I wanna see!!! lol I need to get my fix since we can't really set ours up yet....
@StrawberryBee: How are you!?? Hows everything going along? I think I need to stalk your DD thread I Hope you are fab!
Anyways just wanted to catch up... I miss this thread.
papaya / 10570 posts
@Mrs squirreld: Hello!!!! Aaw, thank you. I felt like a hippo!! That was the first day of a 4 day wedding celebration - I was so tired by the end!!! I'm okay, thanks - only 8 weeks til our due date now, although we may be induced early because I have GD. We should have an idea of how long they will let me go on 24th June, when we have a growth scan. I finished my (distance learning) university course module last week - my next one start in Feb 2014 (the same month I will go back to work). I only have 4 weeks left of work, now, too - everything is winding down in preparation for the baby's arrival. The weird thing is though - I'm not excited. I'm happy, don't get me wrong, I just... well... maybe it still doesn't seem real?? Or maybe I need to get work out of the way before I start to feel really excited??
How are you feeling? You're looking great - you've got a proper bump now!! Any weird symptoms, aches and pains etc?
We decorated and set up our nursery a few weeks ago but it has since become a bit of a dumping ground for baby stuff. The travel system is in there and, as we still haven't bought the wardrobe, the cot is full of clothes! I really do need to get that sorted out!!!!
nectarine / 2522 posts
@Cherrybee: yes, get that nursery sorted pronto! I want to see a pic I can't believe your only 8 weeks away, it just feels like yesterday we were here...dealing with wanting to TTC and then our BFP's... its so surreal that soon we will hold our babes in our arms
Without you I might not have even had that conversation with DH! Thankyou.
I know what you mean about it not feeling real. But I have no doubt the joy & excitement you will feel when bub is in your arms I feel like its not real everyday until I feel him move or catch a glimpse of my reflection...I'm excited, but totally terrified at the same time. I'm scared...I'm not sure of exactly what. I feel VERY grateful that I'm not working. I don't know how you ladies do it!
How are you going with the GD, aside from the wedding weekend... is it hard to deal with?
I'm feeling pretty good, I'm totally off food which sucks,...I feel super guilty that I'm not giving bub enough nutrition, but he's growing perfectly fine and I'm taking vitamins everyday so the doctor assures me he'll be fine.
Aches & pains wise I'm really good, occasional sore back if I lay on my back for too long and sleeping all night is definately I thing of the past, but things could definately be worse.
Emotionally wise I'm a bit of a wreck. I am so so so so so clingy to DH. I know I am doing it, but I can't help it, my hormones are messing with me. He's been so patient and amazing but he works so so soooooo hard and he needs time to himself too, especially before bub comes. I feel like I am more attracted to him than ever, it's really quite bizzare.. I think maybe I have a little cabin fever from being home too much!! lol.
The whole moving thing is really hard aswell, I really hate the unknown.
BUT all in all, I just want this little man here.
papaya / 10570 posts
@Mrs squirreld: Have you made the big decision yet - the move now for big $ or wait for a perfect location one? I imagine it's really hard not to be able to nest properly, especially as you are home all day, too! I know what you mean about being clingy! It's hard, though, because your body has been taken over, your whole life is changing, you're flooded with all manner of crazy hormones, you feel fairly icky at all times - you need that security of having your DH right there with you, telling you you're pretty and that he loves you. My DH doesn't seem to understand - and neither do I, really - but I know what you mean because I feel it too!
The GD is going pretty well, actually. I'm used to testing my blood 4 times a day now and I am getting better at knowing what I can and can't eat. It's so boring though!! I'm sick of salad!!! Aaw, are you still feeling a bit queasy then? Or do you just not fancy anything, food wise?
Oh my goodness, I had completely forgotten that first conversation we had!! I had just been through the same thing with my DH and we had just started trying! Wow, that seems a million years ago! Maybe I need to re-read some of those posts and get my excitement back!!
pear / 1974 posts
@Mrs squirreld: hi!! Well, I did have my LEEP procedure on 5/23, which really wasn't anything crazy. Although I was sedated for it, it just kind of felt like a nice long nap. I did have a rough weekend though - I had really heavy bleeding that freaked me out and had to call the dr's emergency line and then had to be put on bed rest for a couple days. I'm finally back to work and the bleeding seems to have stopped and things are slowly getting back to normal. I think it won't be until October or so until we can start trying again. I was really bummed out but I'm ok with it now. I'm gonna take this summer to get in really good shape and get my house in order. There was no use sitting around being all depressed over something I couldn't change, so I just sort of put it out of my mind for now. Actually, my in-laws JUST moved out back into their house, they had been living with us since Sandy. Things are going back to normal on the Jersey Shore as well! We already have a ton of people coming down every weekend to go to the beach, I used to complain about them but now it's kind of nice to have some life back in our town. Enough about me! You guys are going to meet your babies soon! How exciting is this? I am SO looking forward to your birth stories and pictures and I hope we can keep this thread going until I'm actually pregnant so I can ask you all the gross weird questions lol!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@Mrs squirreld: aww, thank you for thinking of me!! Life is kinda crazy right now? We finished our childbirth classes (two long days this past weekend). I had my baby shower on Saturday as well, it was very sweet and we got TONS of clothes. Baby girl has been kicking up a storm -- just two more months to go! Got the crib set up and the glider chair. I actually feel really good. Like you though, I'm not really eating, which I'm worried about.
One of my dogs managed to injure her back yesterday morning, so I have an appointment set up for tomorrow with a neurologist to determine if he thinks it's a disc issue, which would require an MRI to confirm. If it is a disc issue then it's possible surgery. All I can say is, thank goodness for pet insurance, because I'm not sure if we could do it otherwise. I would be a hot pregnant mess if that were to happen.
@Cherrybee: It doesn't seem real to me either. I keep on waiting for it to hit!
@chibee: sounds like a great plan! I'm glad you're feeling better. We will definitely keep this thread going. As due date looms closer I'm currently scared cr@pless about labor and delivery. Darned videos showing heads that are too big out of holes that are too small...
nectarine / 2522 posts
@Cherrybee: Re: The move, check out my latest update to that thread.. urghhh. Some other stuff has happened now and there is a chance we can again apply but who bloody knows. The tears I've shed in the last week or so just aren't worth it. We have our booking in at the hospital here next week ( and when I say here .. it's still two hours away) so that's still our back up plan... i just really really didn't want to move after he is here.
I'm glad you understand about the crazy clingy thing... I feel like I have lost my mind...and the fact that DH doesn't really like DTD with me while I"m pregnant doesn't help my self esteem. I totally get it, it just sucks You have to test your blood 4 times a day? Is that with that little pricking thing? I have my test for GD next week, I feel somewhat comforted that if I do have it, atleast I'll have a great support network here
I'm not really feeling queasy, its more.. I never have that hungry feeling... or I don't feel like anything or if I force it, it will make my stomach turn.
I only ever feel like salty plain things which isn't good for my BP, but it has been perfectly fine so thats good I guess. I just feel so totally jibbed, I wanted to indulge and eat for two! lol
I just re-read some of those posts the other day... they make me smile
nectarine / 2522 posts
@chibee: OH I'm glad the procedure went well and you have recovered ok. October will be here before you know it, and you and DH will be rested both mentally and physically and will be able to give it a shot with a fresh start It will be good to keep busy before then and fitness sounds like a great answer!! I can't wait to get into it after bub is here. I'm trying to walk everyday at the moment but its not very comfortable. I want hardcore fitness, which is weird cause I have never really been into it before. My sister had 5 kids and put on alot of weight and is now training for a marathon... so that is definately inspiring me. I haven't really put on any weight yet, maybe a kilo max...but I am sure I will balloon up towards the end! haha
I bet it's kinda nice to have the house to yourself again though.. . did your inlaws completely rebuild?? It would definately be nice to see the beach busy again... I can't wait to come back, we are planning to come stay with our friends in NJ in October 2014, so hopefully we could meet too! That would be fun! Who knows you might even have a little one in your arms then too!!! I TOTALLY plan to keep this thread running
I want to hear all about everyone! I really can't believe how fast this year is going....
nectarine / 2522 posts
@StrawberryBee: Two months!!! Yikes!! I have to admit I do stalk your due date thread a little too! I did read about your baby shower... I am totally in two minds about having one still. The thought of it makes me really uncomfortable and I know people are doing their best intentions by giving gifts, but off registry will bug me as ungrateful as that sounds but with moving and trying to declutter our lives, we just really don't want things we don't need. I think if we end up moving we'll do a going away/shower co-ed thing... but I don't know. We DO need clothes though.... I"m kinda freaking out over how little we have... this boy is gonna be naked! lol
I am sooo sorry about your dog I hope the MRI brings good news! I am super glad you have insurance, our dog was hit by a car a few years ago and shattered her pelvis,,, it would have cost us $10k plus to fix her, we didn't have insurance so we had to put her down.... it was so heartbreaking ( first time I have ever seen DH cry..he was devasted.) WE have it now for a our dogs, it is so worth it. Your nursery is looking great!! I love those paper pom poms.. I want some in ours but DH says they are too girly
Your nursery looks so spacious.. if we stay in this house ours will be tiny.. we can't really fit everything in!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@chibee: @strawberrybee: @cherrybee: So great to catch up with all of you! I've been following you all on your individual threads pretty regularly.
@chibee: I had a LEEP years ago and it was a really easy surgery. I didn't have heavy bleeding afterward but I'm glad that after some bed rest you're getting back to normal. And good for you for getting in shape! I SO do not work out enough right now.
@cherrybee: My DH is a diabetic so I know all about daily monitoring. He hates it but at least you'll be done with it after labor. And this way you shouldn't be birthing a 10lb baby lol, which might suck. I can't wait to see her!
@strawberrybee: Good for you for being so far along with your nursery. I really like the quote over the crib! Oh and I think I'm gonna be just like you. I feel fine about labor now but I think once I get closer I might just lose it.
AFM, not too much to share. As you may have read, my teen stepdaughter moved in with us a few weeks ago so that's been a bit stressful. I'm a little concerned about how I'm going to manage her and a baby in those first few weeks after the birth, but somehow I will. It may include some glasses of wine, lol. I had my GD test last Thursday but haven't gotten a call, so I'm assuming I'm ok (unless I get the shitty situation that happened to you cherrybee!). I wanted to work a ton on our nursery but noticed someone already bought our crib and changing table off our registry, so now I can't really put it together until after our shower. That totally bums me out..but in the meantime I buy cool pictures for the wall from etsy. I love etsy! And I hope we do continue this thread because I love staying connected with all of you!
nectarine / 2522 posts
@marionberry: oooh I LOVE etsy... I think DH is gonna block it from the computer soon! lol. I just bought a new phone cover off there this morning.. oops!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@Mrs squirreld: I still can't figure out if DH likes dtd with me now or not. He never ever starts anything, but that was rare even before. When I ask him for a different position he says that he's afraid of squashing the baby. I usually just jump him anyway lol.
I don't feel hungry right now either; I'm blaming that on the fact that my stomach is being rearranged.
I'm sure you'll find tons of clothes for your little man! What about consignment shops, or mommy markets?
I'm anxious for our appointment tomorrow with the canine neurologist. I feel so bad for her and want her to feel better.
I assure you that the photo is misleading on size of room ;). The dresser takes up a big chunk of room on the other side. My dss just told me that it looks a lot smaller in there now lol. What about pennants in boy fabrics/colors?
nectarine / 2530 posts
@marionberry: I was fine until I was forced to watch multiple drug free births from the wrong end! Lol. I told my DH that there's no way I want a mirror.
So, are things going ok with your dsd? I again give you major props for coming through a difficult situation with flying colors!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@StrawberryBee: Yes things have actually gone really well with her so far. It's just a big change and a lot of extra work. I had to leave work today to bring her lunch money because she didn't pay enough attention to her lowering balance. Teens...lol.
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