pear / 1974 posts
@Hanzabelle: i know!! That would be so fun!!! Do you have any "symptoms"? I have felt nothing through out this TWW. Like, not even sore boobs which I actually get every time.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@chibee: yes which is playing with my mind big time.... I'm really sensitive to smells, had a lot of cm for the last few days... Have been crying at everything. BUT I'm sure it's just my body going wtf are you doing to me/my mind playing tricks on me.
pear / 1974 posts
@Hanzabelle: i've been so attuned to my body trying to see if it's giving me any signs of growing a little baby in there, but it's been pretty silent. At least my LP is long enough, I was a little worried that I might have an LP defect.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Ali: My thoughts are with you hun. You've showed a lot of grace going through both of these events at the same time.
@Hanzabelle: So excited that you're gonna chart. I'l have to chart stalk you. Ali gave you the run down but here's a post I did on jus this topic:
@Chibee: So glad you've made it a few days longer DPO this time. I'm with you...seeing BFN's has become such a norm that seeing a BFP would probably knock me off my feet. Hoping both you and @Hanzabelle get BFP's this month!
pear / 1974 posts
@ambular1025: i know i feel like a brat saying that seeing that this is only my 2nd cycle ttc but the BFP seems so... mythical to me at this point!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@chibee: You are not a brat to say that. Every BFN and every BFP means the same thing to the same person regardless of their cycle. This is the first month of TTC that I actually am starting to not believe a BFP is possible (which I know is bad) but I just mean I'm not real hopeful to see one. So I get that mythical thing. But most women aren't like me and see a BFP before 7 cycles, especially at your age, so have faith!
pear / 1974 posts
@Ambular1025: well I guess I do have a few more days before officially dropping out of the TWW so here's to hoping! Hope this month's it for you too.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@ambular1025: thanks! I ordered some stuff last night so it should be here by the time AF finishes. I guess there is still hope she might not come, but I doubt it! Might aswell look forward to next month!!
pear / 1974 posts
@Hanzabelle: another chart buddy! Although I *might* not chart next month as per DH's request, but we'll see if I can resist! how are you feeling? I think last cycle I started spotting by 12 dpo so we'll see what happens tomorrow - any sign of AF for you?
nectarine / 2522 posts
@chibee: feeling like I'm losing the plot... I took a test thing morning- just cause I'm a sucker for punishment ... And I swear I looked at this test for like 15 minutes... Just cause I thought maybe there is something??! DH looked at it and thinks I'm gone raving mad... I'm dreaming of a BFP... Hahah but seriously it was Negative. No signs of AF though it still could be 1-3 days away. I'm looking forward to charting now and "knowing" when I've o'd ... That way I can be more definate!!
pear / 1974 posts
@Hanzabelle: confession: I did this morning too, at 5am, bc I am a lunatic, and a very stark, white, BFN for me too, at 12 dpo. No sign of AF yet either but it is 1-3 days away for me too! I literally dream of BFPs - I did a couple nights ago and it was so vivid that it was kind of depressing in a way. 12 dpo for you today too?
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Chibee: As I wrote on the other board, your chart looks great! Give it a bit of time. Crossing my fingers for you and Hanzabelle!
nectarine / 2522 posts
@chibee: morning of 13dpo now.. not gonna test til tomorrow. my boobs are sore and nipples are killing me this morning so i'm pretty sure AF is right round the corner.
I hope you have better luck!!!
@ambular1025: Thanks...but i'm pretty sure i'm a lost cause now!
pear / 1974 posts
@Hanzabelle: night of 12 dpo still. I mean I don't feel a thing, i could be pregnant, or i could get my period tomorrow - so who knows. I am keeping my expectations way, way low, and if things didn't take i'm ready to try something different next month! sorry for your possible pending AF, maybe it won't show up!
nectarine / 2522 posts
@chibee: what are you goin to try differently for next month if AF arrives?
pear / 1974 posts
@Hanzabelle: I will start with trying to be less crazy/stressed. I haven't figured out how yet though! I may or may not chart... DH doesn't want me to he thinks it makes me crazy but I don't know how to NOT do these things anymore. Thinking about using preseed??
nectarine / 2522 posts
@Ali: thinking of u. Hope u r ok. Xoxox
@chibee: if you learn how to not stress let me know!!!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Chibee: Your chart still looks great!
@Hanzabelle: Still crossing my fingers it all works out for you!
@Ali: Just checking in. How are things going?
Update on me: I got my Cheri reading back last night and in timing it somewhat matches my Jenny Renny reading so I'm somewhat excited that both point to possibly getting pregnant in November/December. I know it's not set in stone, but it's kind of exciting and it gets my mind off of the constant cycle watching.
pear / 1974 posts
@Ambular1025: I was just reading your post on the Jenny Renny thread, that's so fun! I hope both are right and you will get your BFP soon. How long did it take for you to get a Jenny Renny reading?
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Chibee: Jenny Renny is quick..about 3 days. Cheri much slower but the Cheri reading is way more fun as it tells you things about your future baby more than just expected BFP. Both are pretty cheap so if you're up for it, it's fun.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@chibee: nope another BFN this morning. AF due now so won't be testing again until after weekend if AF still isn't here... But I think I'm officially out. You?
pear / 1974 posts
@Hanzabelle: night of 13 dpo, i have some cramps and i think i saw some brown spotting. BAH let me just go bury my face in my pups and feel bad for myself. Hope AF doesn't show for you!
nectarine / 2522 posts
@chibee: oh sorry. It sucks doesn't it. I'm so Devo... It's 10am and I'm at work eating chocolate. It's my own little pity party. I think we are entitled to it. here's to next month right?!
papaya / 10570 posts
@Hanzabelle @ Ambular1025 Thanks for the thoughts, ladies. I'm good. The funeral went well Monday - then DH and I went away to the coast for a few days. We're back now! I was hoping to O while I was away but it looks like I actually do have long cycles (boo - I thought it was the BCP last month) and I'm still waiting, CD 15.
@Chibee. Aaw, I'm sorry about AF.
@Hanzabelle: You too. How rubbish.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@Ali: I'm glad ur as good as you can be- ooh a little mini break - you needed that! We missed you here!
Speaking of long cycles AF is still not here ... Bit like last month- so I'm thinking my cycles are getting longer. How weird they have always been the same. Crazy body.... Could also have something to do with my medication. Oh well my O stuff I ordered came in the mail so I'm excited about chartin next month. BUT DH is going away for a week and by my predictions it will be my O week! Noooooo so I'm hoping I'm wrong and my cycles are longer... Then he'll be back just in time. Oh the dramas lol
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Hanzabelle: Crazy that both you and @Chibee both are waiting for AF to finally show. I hope it never shows and you both get BFP's!
@Ali: I'm also glad you got a break. I'd kill for a vacation. I hope you O soon so you can get to that BFP!
papaya / 10570 posts
Hi All. I'm feeling really glum today and just need to have a little vent, I hope that's ok?
It's just that my temps are all out of whack. Last month, my chart was super pretty - textbook, even - and I got a BFP, of course. This month, they're all over the place, I don't know if my new brand OPKs are working or not and now I'm freaking out that I Od and missed it. Of course, the other possibility is that I do actually have almost 40 days cycles and I wont O for another week. Grr. I don't know which is worse.
All this is just making me glum. I keep thinking that I should be pregnant - not just because of the m/c but because we've been trying for 2 months now (and I know that's not a long time but it sure feels like it!). I don't want to TTC for months and months on end.... I don't think I can bear it....
My best friend's baby is due in 6 weeks and I really wanted to be pg when she had him/her. I'm scared that I'm not going to be as happy for her as I can be because I'm just going to be too jealous. I'm making a huge fuss about how excited I am because I know that's what she needs to hear - and I am excited, I'm really excited, I just.... I dunno. That one week when I was pregnant too, well, then I really was excited for her. I loved sitting in her kitchen with decaff coffee talking about pregnancy and babies and nursery decor and how our children would be friends. I want that feeling back again.
In addition, yet another pair of our friends has had a baby.The guy had come out of a long term relationship and the two of them were just fooling around at New Year time and, yep, guess what, out popped a baby 9 months later. Now he's clogging up my FB newsfeed with pictures and videos. And she's beautiful. And I'm jealous.
Urgh, I hate feeling like this.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@Ali: oh honey....chin up.. things WILL get better... and I know how you feel about the jealous things.... everytime some announces their pregnancy on fb..i felt my heart tear a little bit more. But when i held my friends newborn baby the other week.. yes it hurt a bit, but it also felt wonderful because I KNOW someday I WILL be holding my own and that is a wonderful dream. Hope is what we have to hang on to.
I've just spent the last 15 minutes crying on the bathroom floor because I was looking at another BFN which now means my baby won't be born near family or friends or before we move. But i couldn't stay there crying forever...I should be grateful for life & my wonderful husband and things could be soooo much worse.
and I just keep thinking....ONE DAY.
Keep that hope alive xoxoxox
papaya / 10570 posts
@Hanzabelle: Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry. That sucks so much. (((Hanzie))))) - they're hugs by the way! Onwards and upwards to Cycle #3 I guess. Have you got your thermometer, ready to start? xx
Meh. I hate TTC! Why is it that some people can just get knocked up by accident, with no trying, and their baby sticks? Humph.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@Ali: sometimes its hard to see a happy ending. But you've just got to believe...because the opposite of that is too scarey to imagine. I am ready for cycle 3....maybe not mentally but I have my thermometer and my o stick things. But i think DH is gonna be away for unless I drive 5 hours return for BD..maybe its onto cycle 4.
pear / 1974 posts
@hanzabelle I know the feeling I started spotting heavily last nigt and my temp dropped this morning so another cycle begins. I've already had a cry at 12 dpo. I wanted this to be it. But let's try to look forward to a fresh start, a chance to do something different this time. For you, charting, for me, maybe a different bd schedule. On the bright side, we have no chance of a luteal defect!
@Ali I used the internet cheapies opk last month and they def worked for me. Keep using them. Remember my first cycle I thought I had o,d but didn't actually o until cd27?? We r all destined to get knocked up at the same time, that's what's taking so long u guys!!
@ambular1025 unfortunately stupid af showed! I'm giving it one more cycle then ordering a cbefm!!
I wanna write more but I'm doing.this on my phone on the bus to work and its hard!!
nectarine / 2522 posts
and now i'm a blubbering mess again. Trust me life is just unfair sometimes... my sister got pregnant twice whilst on BC. I see people everyday that don't care about their children, who take drugs and abuse them. People who have kids to get government benefits. I just want a baby to love and be ours and for us to be a family. So why can't I get that really so much to ask??
papaya / 10570 posts
@Hanzabelle: Oh I'm sorry. My lamenting has set you off again, hasn't it? More hugs for you. It's ok, we will get there, I'm sure of it xxx
@Chibee: Yeah, you're right. I'll just keep using them until I see either a positive OPK or AF!! I'm getting myself a CBEFM for Christmas if we're not pg by then!
nectarine / 2522 posts
@Ali: no no don't be sorry!! sometimes its just hard to see you know... DH just rang to check on me ( i swear he has a six sense!) so i feel better now...and i'm baking a cake... cake makes everything good!!
papaya / 10570 posts
@Hanzabelle: That's so weird! I just posted a pic of a cake I baked on the "last thing you baked" thread. I love baking cakes, it always cheers me up! I'm planning to knock up a ginger cake for DH this weekend!
nectarine / 2522 posts
@Ali: haha I know I just saw that thread after I posted.. weird. I'm making a hummingbird favourite ( after chocolate mudcake of course!) Cooking is my zen time.... and that in 8 months I'll be out of the hell hole town we are in now and be living here...
papaya / 10570 posts
@Hanzabelle: That place is so beautiful. Pray tell, where is this paradise?!
pear / 1974 posts
@Hanzabelle: whattt where are you moving to and CAN I COME??
@Ali: Love love baking, I just made a cheesecake for my father in law for his birthday last weekend and it's my mom's this weekend so I'm thinking about baking something for her too! Forget Christmas, if it doesn't take this month, treat yourself to a CBEFM next cycle, and we can be monitor buddies!
Also, funny story. DH coaches high school soccer on the side with his older brother, who is a teacher at the high school. He overheard his brother talking about how his wife got a "smiley face" and DH was like I knew what he was talking about! So we know they are trying too. His brother is 6 years older and they've been married longer, and I can't help feeling bratty and selfish saying this, but I feel so anxious now bc I will be so upset if they get to announce their pregnancy before us. For me, it's added pressure right now. Ugh. But I am really happy for them because I think they will make gorgeous babies and I can't wait to be an aunt!
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