Hellobee Boards


IF Check In - 2/20

  1. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @lazypanda: I would say the far left one is almost positive!

    @thisisme: Great news, good luck!!

  2. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    I had a rough morning today. one month after my (4th) failed BFP - I feel like I've been doing ok looking forward but today was my monthly deep cleaning day which reminded me of last month. I had just gotten the BFP on that day and was really believing it would stick - I was so happy. today I was listening to the same playlist while cleaning and remembering those emotions and I broke down crying several times. instead of still being pregnant I'm on more meds than ever and who knows what will happen this cycle.

    I really feel a lot better now, I think the crying helped. and I really do have so many good things to focus on, not the least of which is another shot to test in about a week. but man that IF monster is always hiding in the background waiting to get you. so I figured it would help to post on the bee so nice to have you ladies to talk to!

  3. mrswin

    nectarine / 2433 posts

    @thisisme: 7 embies growing! Best wishes for your transfer on Thursday. Have you decided how many you plan on transferring?

    @lazypanda: I concur with the other ladies that the far left one is positive. When you speak with your doctor I would let them know so that maybe they can schedule another 7dpo.

  4. mrswin

    nectarine / 2433 posts

    @bhbee: It is the worst when it sneaks up on you like that, sometimes a good cry is all you need though! Hope the meds work for you this cycle and you get your sticky BFP!

  5. mrswin

    nectarine / 2433 posts

    Ok so the worst part of the day today was when the nurse called as I was getting ready to walk out the door to the shower to let me know my beta was

    Needless to say I was not in the mood to celebrate anything...

  6. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @mrswin: aw I'm so sorry it worked out that way. hugs and eat some extra cake!

  7. thisisme

    apricot / 305 posts

    @bhbee: @LindsayInNY: @mrswin: thanks! We really just want a singleton pregnancy, so hopefully the doc will tell us our chances are good with just transferring one. I'd really like to have a "normal" pregnancy experience after needing such extreme intervention to conceive.

  8. thisisme

    apricot / 305 posts

    @bhbee: so sorry to hear that today was a tough one! I hope that cry helped! Sending happy thoughts your way.

  9. thisisme

    apricot / 305 posts

    @mrswin: you should get major points for still going to the shower! Even if it were one of my immediate family members, I'm pretty sure I would have been "sick". Hugs to you!!!

  10. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @bhbee: sorry about your day, that damn IF bitch sneaks up on you from time to time, I am glad you are feeling better!

    @Mrswin: I am sorry about your betas, that day is hard, super kudos to you for going to the shower, that shows courage and strength!!!!

    @Thisisme: yay, for 7 embies can't wait to hear about your transfer!

  11. Mrs. Pinata

    blogger / pear / 1563 posts

    @mrswin: Oh no! I'm so, sorry. What a horrible day.

  12. lazypanda

    kiwi / 636 posts

    @bhbee: Crying is a healthy expression of emotions. I hope it was helpful... I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you for Friday (POAS date?).

    @mrswin: I'm sorry about your day. I hope you had a nice evening to decompress from it all.

    @thisisme: Awesome news about so many good eggs! good luck on Thursday!

    Thank you @faithfertility @shutterbug @lindsayinny @mrswin for your input. I just got my results back and the results were 0.9. I've emailed the RE's office to ask for f/u lab work in a week as well as for them to put in my prescription for the 3rd round of Femara (7.5 mg). So much for having a TWW...

  13. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @lazypanda: yes it'll be early but I'm sure I'll test at the end of the week.

    I don't think you should give up on your results/TWW yet, I think it was just too early based on your OPKs! it's always hard to hear low numbers though. did you get another dark OPK?

  14. lazypanda

    kiwi / 636 posts

    @bhbee: I'm trying not too. I vented to my siblings my frustration and they had the most reassuring responses. I've got a sliver of hope that I may have a longer cycle this month, but based on last month & OPKs, it's better for me to plan on the next cycle. Hope for the best but plan for the worst. That way I'll be extremely happy if my numbers go up and not too devastated if AF comes.

    Yesterday morning's OPK was similar to the previous night's OPk but last night it took longer for the test to line to start showing.

  15. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @lazypanda: yeah I always do the plan for the worst, hope for the best too. I've already filled my clomid for next cycle and I'm only a week past ovulation!

    I hope things work out for you!

  16. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @mrswin: Oh hugs...

  17. Sprite

    kiwi / 693 posts

    @LindsayInNY: Good luck with all of your testing! Hope your HSG goes well and isn't too painful.

    @lazypanda: Your CD14 OPK looked very close to positive. Your b/w seems in line with that too, it would be very low if you just ovulated. When I was still with my ob/gyn, she would insist that I only get progesterone tests on CD21, regardless of when I thought I ovulated. On my first round of clomid, I was sure from my OPKs and temps that I O'd on CD20, and my progesterone the next day was only 1.5. Definitely get in for a true 7DPO test if you can!

    @thisisme: Sending good thoughts for a successful transfer!

    @bhbee: I'm sorry to hear you had a rough day. Sometimes a good cry can really do a world of good. Hugs

    @mrswin: I am so, so sorry.

    Update from me: officially in the TWW, after a temp spike this morning. My IUI yesterday went well, and DH's post-wash numbers deserved a "gold star" according to the nurse. Although after the IUI I had to lie on the couch with a heating pad most of the day due to cramps and O pains. That trigger shot was no joke apparently, because I've never had O pain like that before!

  18. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @Sprite: yay for a good iui and the 2ww! Sorry to hear about the cramping but hope that means good things!

  19. Shutterbug

    grapefruit / 4703 posts

    @Sprite: let's hope that super O pain is a good sign!
    @mrswin: ah, I'm sorry. You're a strong lady for making it through that shower
    @lazypanda: I ended up having to do follow up progesterone testing two times last week because I didn't ovulate til CD25. They tested my blood on CD26 and it was 2.2, and on CD28 it was 5.86 (they were only looking for 5+ so I could start Lupron). I hope you're able to re-test later!
    @thisisme: in my last cycle, my dr gave me a 50% chance with 1 transferred, and 60% with 2 (we transferred 1). Good luck with your transfer!

  20. mrswin

    nectarine / 2433 posts

    @Sprite: The O pains from a trigger shot are no joke! I did Ovidril this cycle and was doubled over in pain that evening! LOL Good luck with your TWW

    @bhbee: @thisisme: @FaithFertility: @Mrs. Pinata: @lazypanda: @LindsayInNY: @Sprite: Thanks for the sympathy ladies, I knew you would all understand. I was lucky that my mom was there to run interference with the relatives so most people left me alone for the most part....and she got me out of having to help set up before hand

  21. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @Sprite: Yay, to being in the TWW I hope those ovulation pains are signs of your body ovulating your 3 perfect follies!!!!!

  22. lazypanda

    kiwi / 636 posts

    @bhbee: @sprite @shutterbug: Thanks for the support and personal stories. I spoke to the RE nurses and they have me scheduled for another progesterone test this weekend. She also did not want to put in the order for the meds yet in case my progesterone level does rise and keep me on the 5 mg if I did ovulate. If I stay on 5 mg Femara, they'll also monitor me via ultrasound and give me a trigger shot with TI.

    @mrswin: its always nice to have someone who's in the know run interference. I'm glad you were able to get through the baby shower.

  23. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    I'm trying to catch up on everyone's stories here, but wanted to say hello! We had a wonderful vacation, and today it's back to reality. Having a break from all social media was really refreshing, and I'm now trying to figure out how to revise how much time I spend on ye ole internet. Anyone else ever cut back on computer time and stick to it?

    My favorite color is green, the color of spring and summer. No real updates from me--just continuing to hang out, trying to be patient, and my lap date is still set for March 21. I was hoping they might get me in this week, but it doesn't look like it will happen.

  24. mrswin

    nectarine / 2433 posts

    @Happygal: Welcome back! Glad you enjoyed your vacation, should I be jealous that you are all tanned and I am all pasty! I hope they can get you in for your lap earlier. Please take my advise and make sure you have a heating pad/heat pack for when your are out of surgery and not for you abdomen but for your shoulder! The pain of the trapped gas was by far the most difficult part of the recovery in my experience. I thought the pre-op nurse was crazy when she told me that is the number one complaint they hear

  25. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @Happygal: Glad you had a great trip!!!!!

  26. ShayNanigans

    cherry / 245 posts

    @bluestriped bee: That's so helpful that you can get your testing out of the way now, instead of waiting for your doctor to return from leave!

    @Shutterbug: I've got Lincoln Park After Dark on my nails right now!

    @LindsayInNY: Having a doctor who is "with it" is so helpful. My OB/GYN pushed me to get help as soon as it looked like there may be a problem, and I am so glad she did. Otherwise we wouldn't have known we had issues until much, much later. She pushed me to get testing before *I* was even worried about things!

    @bhbee: This journey is pretty tough sometimes.

    @Sprite: Exciting!! (about the IUI and temp spike, not the cramping!) Sending you positive vibes

    @Happygal: I have no advice, seeing as I have a raging internet addiction! It is nice to take a break sometimes, for sure. Reminds you to actually look around you, instead of being glued to a computer screen!

    I am in the midst of my first IVF cycle - just waiting for a 5-day transfer that is currently scheduled for this Friday. So far, we've got six embryos that are still growing - hopefully we don't lose too many of them, so that we can freeze a few for later, in case we need them. Anxious to get this show on the road!

  27. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @ShayNanigans: She had me wait the one year but has been extremely proactive now which I really appreciate! Good luck this Friday!!

  28. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @ShayNanigans: yay for Friday transfer and fx for a few to freeze!


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