Seemed like it was time for a new check-in thread. They are usually posted on Thursdays, so I'm breaking all the rules!
What's new ladies?
Anything fun planned for the weekend?
Seemed like it was time for a new check-in thread. They are usually posted on Thursdays, so I'm breaking all the rules!
What's new ladies?
Anything fun planned for the weekend?
persimmon / 1259 posts
Had my ER yesterday and it was a rough experience. I posted all about it in the IVF thread if you're really interested. But anyway, the results were that they were only able to retrieve 9 eggs, luckily all 9 were matured. I'll find out later this afternoon how many fertilized and if we're going in for a Day 3 or Day 5 transfer.
As for this weekend, I have a coffee date planned with my sister, then I'll be meeting my friend's new baby daughter, Kamelia, and we have a euchre tournament tomorrow night! At some point, I have to squeeze in some homework, too!
pomegranate / 3809 posts
Our only plan this weekend is to change out the rotor and brake pads on our suv. First time trying to do that ourselves, but we've spoken to a lot of co-workers who said it's not difficult at all. Hope it goes smoothly. And waiting for beta results today.
persimmon / 1259 posts
Also, just carrying this over from the other thread, but congratulations to @Warbler: !!
pear / 1881 posts
@sarahnicole218: I read your story on the IVF! how scary! I hope that you get a good fertilization report today!
I'm on CD 18, so I'm hoping that I ovulated. I forgot to temp this morning and yesterday, my daughter woke up super early, so my temping was off. ugh. I was hoping to confirm. We BD 7 times in the past week and I'm getting tired! But, at least we had awesome timing for once, so I'm crossing my fingers.
My husband's car went to crap two days ago, so it's going to cost $2,500 to get fixed. Put that on top of paying in for taxes for the first time ever and paying for a rental condo in San Diego in May...yup, we will be broke this month!
Oh, and no plans for the weekend. I work tomorrow and we will keep working to finish our basement.
persimmon / 1259 posts
@NorthStar: Ugh, money problems are the worst! Hopefully, you'll catch a break and your stellar (and tiring) BD timing will lead to your BFP! Fingers crossed!
persimmon / 1259 posts
7 fertilized...Day 5 transfer scheduled on Tuesday. Come on embies, grow!
nectarine / 2192 posts
@sarahnicole218: That sounds promising. Sending lots of prayers!
I posted in the old thread before I saw this one, but the HSG went fine. The dye didn't fill up the tubes quickly, but they thought it was that dye was leaking out rather than a blockage that fixed itself. Everything looked fine. DH has a SA in about 10 days. He'd had a "basic" one done several months ago, but this will be done by the big IF clinic in town. The plan for this cycle is progesterone since my LP is usually 10-12 days. If SA is ok, we will probably go back to femara (we did one cycle before the HSG).
apricot / 452 posts
@sarahnicole218: I'm so sorry your ER was so painful and unnecessarily scary. But yay for 7 fertilized! Grow embies, grow! Excited to hear about your transfer next week.
@NorthStar: $ problems are the worst... Just what you need - another source of stress! Boo.
blogger / pineapple / 12381 posts
@sarahnicole218: great news! Are you putting in 1 or 2? Sounds like you might have some frosties to freeze!
apricot / 452 posts
AFM, I found out yesterday that I'm not eligible for the "shared risk" IVF program at our clinic, so we have to count on waiting to change insurance now. My DH's HR lady still hasn't gotten me the decision from BCBS about whether they'll drop me so I can force open enrollment at work ASAP instead of having to wait until January. Since I'm not getting paperwork in today, we lose another month because now even if his HR cooperates, I can't pick up my insurance until April 1.
I broached the subject of going part time for a month at work so that I can pick up our insurance when they switch me back to full time. We'll see if that flies.
In the meantime, AF is due next Thurs, according to FF. We BD EOD during my fertile window, but I didn't use OPK or chart this month.
This weekend we're cat sitting for my friend, which will be a nice little "getaway" from the stresses of home. We're getting Indian take out and wine tonight. Yum!
kiwi / 673 posts
@AmeliaBedilia: Glad it went well!
We met with my RE on Monday, and I finished another round of clomid on Wednesday. My progesterone was 12.5 last cycle. RE said it wasn't great, but was sufficient. She said we have this cycle and next before we start talking bigger interventions. Her plan is to start with an HSG in late April/early May.
pomegranate / 3809 posts
@ballerinabee: That stinks, dealing with ins is such a pain. Did you check with your DH's plan also if your change in work status will count as a life changing event so that he can drop you? Cause if it doesn't and they still won't drop you, can you still pick up your insurance as a primary policy? .... yup, I've been playing these insurance games and trying to find loopholes way too long. smh...
@Hoots: So you're on Clomid without an HSG? That was the among one of the first things my ob ordered as a diag, stating that it that wasn't clear, then there was no point in Clomid or anything else, and it kinda made sense to me. And the bonus with 'cleaning out' the tubes seems to give ppl a higher chance in the cycle or two after.
persimmon / 1259 posts
@Mrs. Jacks: They will only do 1 for our first transfer...unless it would have been a day 3. Hoping for some frosties!
kiwi / 673 posts
@PurplePumps: Yes. But since I wasn't ovulating at all and there's no reason or history that would line up with tubes being blocked, my RE decided to go with three rounds of clomid before moving to other things. She said she'd really like up give me a chance since everything else they ran looked good. She did say that it's normally among the first things they do, but the chances were so small that my tubes were an issue when I wasn't ovulating at all in the first place that she wanted to see if I could even be stimulated to ovulate first.
persimmon / 1259 posts
@Hoots: I had five rounds of Clomid and two IUIs before we finally did an HSG. I think it frustrated me at the time that we waited so long to do the HSG, but turns out, my tubes were those cycles were not "wasted" like I had feared...just unsuccessful.
kiwi / 673 posts
@sarahnicole218: That's my hope. We've decided we're just going to trust my RE. She's been doing it for 30 years and has the top SART rate in Houston (if we need to go that far), so I feel like we're in the best hands we can be. I also really, really like that her practice is smaller and I don't feel like just a number. So pretty much whatever she wants to do and can give a good reason for, I'll do.
persimmon / 1259 posts
@Hoots: Ha, my husband always jokes that I'm not a doctor and I need to stop self-diagnosing and second guessing my doc. And he's totally right! Plus, she's great and I trust her process. With my bad ER on Thursday, she wasn't even the doc that performed was some other guy. I really just need to relax and trust in the plan. Our clinics success rate should speak for itself!
pomegranate / 3809 posts
@Hoots: Yea, that's true. More likely than not your tube are clear. Mine were fine too, but being the eternal pessimist, I was ok with getting it done with just to be sure.
pomegranate / 3764 posts
Hey ladies
So I'm CD3 now and waiting on my protocol for this FET IVF round. I started taking Progynova tablets yesterday.... and I'm just praying we actually get to a transfer this time.
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@jaguar: yay girl!
AFM, AF came early (yay!) so we should in fact be able to start Clomid this cycle!! Called my RE and left a message with the Day 1 nurse.
pear / 1881 posts
@travellingbee: YAY! that's wonderful! You head off on vacation right when you will be starting it, right? Crossing my fingers for you!
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@NorthStar: yep, we will leave on Friday and that will be day 5, when I'll start the clomid. Apparently we are doing an IUI, too. Didn't realize that was in the plan this time.
kiwi / 673 posts
@travellingbee: and have a great trip!
@jaguar: and praying for that transfer to happen!
apricot / 452 posts
@PurplePumps: If work agrees to let me change status, it would impact both my ins & DH's. I would prefer to just pick mine up in addition to his (his is better coverage in general for my docs, and we've already met the OOP deductible which doesn't reset until Sept), so we'll see how it all plays out. I never heard anything on Friday, so we lose the month of March.
I got really angry with DH for not pushing his HR over the last 2 weeks to get us an answer before the end of Feb, and we had a big argument. He thinks I'm being ridiculous and that 1 month doesn't make a big difference. He also doesn't want to share our personal business to explain to her why this is so important, which makes me crazy because we're close with them (it's a 9 person company - we're all like family) and if they knew the reason behind it, I'm certain she would move heaven and earth to make something work. His answer is as always "things will work out, you just need to relax". ARRGGHHH!!
If it isn't too personal a question, how has IF affected your marriages? How do you deal with the stress and anxiety? Have any of you had similar experiences with DHs who don't get how important time is, or who think you're being overly dramatic?
I hate IF. I hate how it makes me feel about myself, my husband, my body, my marriage.
apricot / 452 posts
@travellingbee: great news! I hope you have a wonderful and (re)productive trip!
@jaguar: fingers and toes crossed for a great cycle for you!
@sarahnicole218: thinking about you this morning, and wishing you a smooth ET and sticky embie!
@Hoots: Are you supplementing progesterone later in your cycle? I want to ask my RE about that since I can't do clomid or superovulation + IUI. My LP has been pretty short the past few months (10 days), so I wonder if that would help while we wait for insurance answers prior to IVF.
persimmon / 1259 posts
@ballerinabee: Thank you! To answer your question about IF affecting marriage...if you look at my old posts, you'll see a very dark period for me last May. We had been trying for about a year (in March) when I started to feel like I wasn't supported by my DH. The resentment I felt grew into a dark monster that led me to believe my life would be better without him. It was's a time in my life I wish I could forget about, because we've come through on the other side and I just want to shake myself silly for allowing my thoughts to go there without opening up to DH first. I just think continued, open communication is the only thing that works! We are in amazing place now, of course we still struggle because IF does not affect him the same way it does me...but he is much more understanding now. I definitely recommend counseling, if not for both of you, at least for you, it's a great outlet for your frustrations and anxiety.
pomegranate / 3809 posts
@ballerinabee: I'm sorry he didn't get it straightened out last month. Even if he didn't push HR, it's in the hands of the ins company, and insurance companys just work on their own timeline. Every. Single. Time. I call them about something they tell me it'll take about 10 business days... and it usually does. Calling them more really doesn't speed it up.
I can also understand if your DH doesn't want to share this with people. Is he otherwise very open about this to people? This is a very personal struggle for me. Not even my parents or his parents know that we have been trying for about 2.5 years now and have done 2 rounds of IVF. No one knows but two of my gfs, one of whom I actually regret telling.
There are only a few days (like when I saw a BFN, or the day I had my first cycle cancelled) that really effect me where I may lash out at him, but other than that, the overall stress and anxiety has been pretty low. He handles it a lot better somehow and just isn't as emotional. I think he just has the mind set of it'll happen it when happens and we'll just keep trying. We've been super lucky to have almost all of the treatment so far covered, so it has not been a financial burden, just a time factor which I think really helped to keep the stress lower. We're close to hitting our life time max so the next round will cost us, so we'll see how that effects this process soon
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
I go in tomorrow morning for my initial ultrasound for our iui cycle (cd 3). I'm excited things are finally getting rolling!
kiwi / 673 posts
@ballerinabee: No progesterone yet. But I suspect it may only be a matter of time. Last month I'm pretty certain that I only had a 10 day luteal phase, but I couldn't confirm because I was banned from charting. My progesterone was only 12.5 and my RE told me she wasn't exactly happy with that number. She told me that my O just could have been weak. We're trying to pin that down this month.
My DH is very much like your DH. One month doesn't particularly matter to him, but feels like forever to me. He's much more content with the process than I am, but he acknowledges that my feelings are different. While he wants kids, he has told me he honestly doesn't think he's ever wanted something as much as I want this. It does cause a lot of tension. He's also the same way about keeping IF private, while I've become more open (more out of necessity), which is also a source of tension. I don't have any advice, but just wanted you to know you're not alone.
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@sarahnicole218: @Hoots: Thank you! I am good to go but I had a scare. First they told me I had a cyst and we'd have to scratch the cycle. Then she looked a bit longer and said. Oh no, it's not in your ovary. It's a para-ovarian cyst. And that's no problem. phew!
pomegranate / 3809 posts
@travellingbee: Yikes! Thank goodness it turned out to be ok. YAY for being able to proceeeed!
nectarine / 2192 posts
@travellingbee: Glad you get to continue.
As for me, CD15 here and will probably O today. DH's official SA is next week (he had one before but the lab he had it done before rarely does them and this one is supposedly much better). While all testing has come up fine, after doing a ton of reading, I think I am not ovulating strongly enough causing a luteal phase defect. LP is usually 10-12 (mostly 11) days, and I have had some dips in the chart that suggest an implantation dip. I did one femara cycle about 6 months ago, and I had a 14 day LP then. I did 3 progesterone cycles last spring, but I was under MAJOR stress at the time. My OB is great about letting me do what I want within reason. My plan is to do progesterone this cycle, and if BFN and SA ok, then to go back to femara. Any other ideas/suggestions/thoughts?
This is extra hard, because we're doing a massive renovation on our forever house. There are significant challenges in the second floor with bedrooms, and DH and I are both frustrated that if we knew we wouldn't be able to have kids, that we would do things very differently (and much cheaper) with the renovation.
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