Hellobee Boards


IF Check In - 4/11

  1. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    @Suzimo: I sure hope so! Around here, it seems that its pretty common to get it done if you've been trying a while. I had no reasons for my tubes to be blocked either, but one was (the side I usually O from too!) Maybe call your insurance to see if its covered (it was $850 if not), and tell your doc that you'd like it done?

  2. Suzimo

    cherry / 132 posts

    @Mrs.someone: I was thinking of calling my insurance company and checking. The really weird thing is that when I initially met with my doctor she recommended I have an HSG done after my initial blood work, but she changed her tune and wanted me to go ahead and try clomid. I'm really trying to trust her judgement but I do think its odd that she flip flopped on her initial course of action. I don't really want to be taking meds. If there is a different issue at hand. Ugh I just think I need to move on from my OB and see a specialist.

  3. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    @Suzimo: Definitely advocate for yourself. If you don't want to be taking the drugs, make sure to make that clear to them and that you would like the further testing first. I think seeing an RE would be a great idea, they would definitely do the HSG.

  4. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @Suzimo: Moving on from your OB sounds like a good idea...an RE will do all the proper testing! And if you feel strongly that you don't want to take meds, an RE can lay out all the options that are appropriate for you. Whether or not you have an HSG done shouldn't depend on your self-reported history, either...that OB sounds about as good as most OBs are with infertility.

  5. Suzimo

    cherry / 132 posts

    @mrs.someone @spaniellove: Thanks for the advice ladies:) This is really the push I have been needing to move forward. In my gut I know I want to move onto an RE next month and not do the third round of clomid I initially had decided to do. That being said the clomid hasn't been bad and it does seem to be making for a stronger ovulation( I think I was ovulating before?) Anyways thanks, I'm gonna call today and get that referral.

  6. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @PastaAndPotato: Is today the big day? Hope you're feeling well! Thinking super good thoughts for you!

  7. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @Mrs.Someone: I've been doing well I just returned from a week long vacation in Mexico and now I'm experiencing my first pregnancy symptom - nausea I think this Friday will be my RE graduation day!

  8. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @Suzimo: I'd echo what @Mrs.Someone and @spaniellove have already told you. I do think there is only so far an OB can take you in terms of fertility testing and answers. The HSG test was huge for me. I didn't get pregnant right after it, but thanks to it we found a small blockage in my uterus that may have been the reason I couldn't get pregnant. I don't think we ever would have known that without the HSG. Lots of luck to you!

  9. mrswin

    nectarine / 2433 posts

    @PastaAndPotato: Good luck with your transfer today!

    @Suzimo: I have to agree with the other ladies about moving onto an RE and getting HSG which they will probably want to do as part of the initial work up. Typically they don't recommend Clomid for much longer than 3 cycles and if one of your tubes is blocked then you might be ovulating but not increasing your chance if the tube isn't open.
    ETA: Sorry I hope I didn't come across as harsh. I just wanted to offer another perspective...I would hate to think you haven't been getting a fair chance!

    @sweetooth: I hope Friday is graduation day for you! So exciting

  10. mrswin

    nectarine / 2433 posts

    @spaniellove: Hope you are doing well. You have your ultrasound tomorrow right?

  11. mrswin

    nectarine / 2433 posts

    @Apex: What kind of trigger did you get? I think I read somewhere that it should be out of your system around 10 days after the shot. I never really felt much in terms of side effects from my trigger. Sorry I don't have anything to offer. I know some girls test it out so that they can figure out what is from the trigger vs. possible BFP.

    @Mrs.Someone: Glad your HSG wasn't too bad. FX that it cleared everything out and you get to be one of the lucky ones with a BFP as a result!

  12. Shutterbug

    grapefruit / 4703 posts

    @sweetooth: soooo how was Mexico?

  13. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @Shutterbug: It was just the escape we needed! There was so much relaxing, hammock time, private plunge pool time, walking on the beach, sipping beverages on the beach, eating YUMMY food...and unplugging from the world. We loved it! How many more weeks until you're there?

  14. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @Apex: I never had much side effects from the trigger shot. I did three IUIs. Maybe the only one I had was some itchiness at the injection sites. What type of effects are you dealing with?

    @mrswin: thank you!

  15. Shutterbug

    grapefruit / 4703 posts

    @sweetooth: three weeks two days! can't wait! I'm glad you had fun

  16. Apex

    clementine / 770 posts

    @mrswin: I got the HCG trigger i don't remember exactly what brand it was, i believe it was 10000iu of it

  17. Apex

    clementine / 770 posts

    @sweetooth: I super tired, dizzy and slightly nauseous. I called the RE's office yesterday and they think its wayy too late for my to be feeling any side effects since the shot was taken about 1 week ago.

  18. PastaAndPotato

    apricot / 483 posts

    @Shutterbug: @mrswin: @sweetooth: thanks guys! yup, today was the big day, and we transferred 2! now for the waiting game (and letting DH spoil me a little bit haha)

  19. raintreebee

    pear / 1531 posts

    @PastaAndPotato: Yay! So glad transfer went well. Definitely make your DH wait on you hand and foot.

  20. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @PastaAndPotato: Glad to hear you made it through transfer! Get lots of rest and let DH spoil you!

    @mrswin: Thanks for asking...it is tomorrow and I would feel a lot better knowing things are as they should be. It's hard not knowing and instead being stuck in the familiar pattern of clinic visits and getting numbers that don't mean anything good.

  21. Suzimo

    cherry / 132 posts

    @sweettooth @mrs.win: thanks for the support. I called my doctor today and left a message. Hopefully I will hear from her soon and can get the ball rolling.

    @pastaand potato: yay for a successful transfer!

    @apex: those symptoms sound promising fx for you.

  22. Shutterbug

    grapefruit / 4703 posts

    @PastaAndPotato: yay!! Get some rest and fingers crossed for you!

    @spaniellove: good luck tomorrow! I know you'll feel muuuch better once you see your little bean

  23. ineebee

    pear / 1580 posts

    @pastaandpotato: Yay!!

    @suzimo: I'm late to the game, but I'm glad glad glad that you got the encouragement that you needed and are now moving on to an RE! Yay for advocating for yourself!

  24. ineebee

    pear / 1580 posts

    As for me, I'm waiting for my follies to mature enough for my second IUI. This morning (CD12) I had some action in my left ovary (12.5mm and 9.2mm) and a little less in my right (9.0mm) with a pretty thin lining (4.0mm). Eh. Going in again on Saturday for the next u/s. Yay for a Saturday appointment, though! I hate being late for work and worrying that people think I'm being lazy!

  25. raintreebee

    pear / 1531 posts

    @spaniellove: Has your doctor said anything recently about your betas? I am thinking positive thoughts for you, and I think tomorrow you will get the reassurance you need and deserve.

    @ineebee: Good to see action! I know that Clomid can thin lining and that sometimes Femara is used as an alternative. Something to discuss with your doctor if you need to, but sounds like you have some real potential candidates in there! And you are a better person than me. I would prefer people thinking I am lazy than waking up early on a Saturday for monitoring.

  26. ineebee

    pear / 1580 posts

    @raintreebee: LOL! That's why I made the appointment for 10:00. I think my lining was just as thin this time last cycle (CD12) and by the time I O'd (CD18), it was nice and plump. If it doesn't thicken enough this time, I'll definitely be asking for the Femara!

  27. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @raintreebee: The nurse just keeps saying they're good, but she's always so rushed that I'm not sure how honest she's being with me.

  28. Suzimo

    cherry / 132 posts

    @ineebee: Thanks for the encouragement! and grow follies grow! I hope everything go smooth for you and your lining is where is needs to be.

    Got a call back from my doctor tonight and we have a new plan she is going to go ahead with the referral, but also wants me to have the HSG at the beginning of my cycle next month. If I can get into the RE before then I will see what they suggest.

  29. tequiero21

    honeydew / 7968 posts

    @spaniellove: hey! How did the us go? Good luck! Hope u got to see your baby.

    @PastaAndPotato: good luck! Stick babies, stick! Brings back memories!

    @sweetooth: sounds so fun! I miss Mexico! And ugh @ nausea. I had to constantly remind myself that it was a good thing!


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