In honour of seeing back to school stuff on display already what was your favourite part of going back to school when you were growing up?
In honour of seeing back to school stuff on display already what was your favourite part of going back to school when you were growing up?
pomegranate / 3105 posts
The library!
I started my diagnostic testing today, I have to go back EOD starting next Tuesday. I've never been so happy to get AF in my life to get this part over with and some answers!
nectarine / 2433 posts
My favourite thing when I was in high school was getting my new class schedule and comparing with my friends to see what classes we had together. In University I always looked forward to getting back into our house with my roommates!
I start my Gonal-F injections tomorrow night and have my first acupuncture session on Saturday. I am so excited to get started
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
Seeing my school friends again. Also, on another note, they are starting back to school sales so early. I think I saw ads before July 4th. That's nuts! I'm not even going back to school and it bothered me.
As for me, still in my TWW. I tested out my trigger yesterday at 6 DPO and it was negative. So I guess it's out of my system.
As for other updates, I ended up texting my sister and telling her I knew she was pregnant. It went really well, I think. She said it really meant a lot to her that I told her because she was afraid of how I would take the news. So all things are good.
grapefruit / 4703 posts
@bluestriped bee: that's great news about your sister! Glad it went well, and now you won't have that hanging over your head. FX for you!
@mrswin: eee I'm so excited for you!
nectarine / 2433 posts
@bluestriped bee: It is crazy how early they put stuff out especially because in Canada most students only finished up 2-3 weeks ago! I'm glad your convo with your sister went well and as much as you are relieved I'm sure she is too. FX that you get to be pregnant together
@babycanuck: I'm glad you are able to get the monitoring done for your cycle. Did your boss say anything else about the travel?
pomegranate / 3105 posts
@mrswin: They wanted me to to next week (last minute) and I had already booked the week off for a staycation, so no go. They tried to convince me and I laughed at them!
pomegranate / 3533 posts
@bluestriped bee: So happy it went well! Wishing you lots of this cycle!
@mrswin: Thank you for starting the thread this week! I'm so excited to hear that you're starting your stims!
Still waiting here...trying to balance feeling hopeful with "managing expectations"... No signs yet at 6dp5dt.
In grade school, I liked the Open House night, where you could go poke your head in all of the brightly decorated classrooms and meet new (or visit with old) teachers!
pomegranate / 3809 posts
@bluestriped bee: You guys are so sweet, I gotta admit, I'm a little envious of your relationship and how close and thoughtful you guys are! I'm not very close to my siblings at all.
I hated going back to school! I'm not sure there's anything I liked about it!
Updates... AF started yesterday, with a slightly longer than usual LP. This letrozole is just making things weird! We've decide to just have a natural cycle next (partly cause of the vacation coming up, a shorter med cycle would mean AF would show up during vacation and a longer natural would mean a AF free beach vacation... and cause I just don't think these meds are what I need). And then will start IVF after next cycle.
nectarine / 2433 posts
@babycanuck: Good for you for turning them down, especially because you already had time off booked!
@FliegepilzHut: I didn't see one up yet so I thought I would dive in. I can't wait for you to get good news When is beta day again?
@PurplePumps: Where are you headed for vacation? If you don't think the Femera is working for you and you are ready to move on then do it. One of my regrets is that we waited so long to start IVF.
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
@babycanuck: Glad AF showed up! It can feel so good to move on to the next cycle.
@mrswin: Oh, yeah, I liked that part in college, too! Hope your first acupuncture goes well!
@Shutterbug: .@Boopers: @FliegepilzHut: Thanks
@PurplePumps: Aww, I'm just taking it day by day with my sister. We are good now and have been for a good year but all it takes is a flip of a switch and we are at each others throats. I'm preparing myself for any pregnancy moodiness she might have. We'll see. But lately it's been good. Two years ago, we were barely speaking. My relationship with my sister is definitely bumpy. Out of all my siblings, my younger sister.. this one) is the one I have the most trouble with. I think I know how to avoid certain topics and can spin a conversation if it starts going south. So I try to keep things peachy with us, as much as possible.
pear / 1750 posts
@mrswin: Yay for starting IVF!
@FliegepilzHut: Good luck! I hope you get that BFP! How many eggs did you transfer again?
@PurplePumps: Sorry about AF, but hooray for vacation then IVF!
My favorite part of back to school when I was little was getting all the new school supplies and crayons. When I was older it was getting new clothes and picking out my first day outfit.
Yesterday I had my IVF consult and I have a schedule to start in August! We're doing ICSI with DH's frozen sperm from the TESE. I'll be taking progesterone for 5 days at the end of July, I think to delay AF for a couple of days.
Then I will start stims on August 3rd, with a tentative retrieval date of 8/14. My doctor wants to transfer only 1 blast because we don't want a risk of twins. We are so excited!!!
nectarine / 2600 posts
Ooh, I loved all the new clothes for going back to school. Back to school shopping with my mom was always one of my favorite things. I did love new school supplies too Trapper Keepers anyone?
So, I saw the new RE at the old clinic I used to go to. I wasn't like, overly impressed or in love with her or anything. But she was nice enough. She basically proposed the same plan the old lady did. Do injectables again, then daily heparin injections upon getting a BFP. So we are just going to do it because no sense NOT doing everything we can, right? I mean we've been trying naturally long enough. Obviously I'm not looking forward to the daily heparin. But oh well. And if I don't get pregnant before Aug. 21, I have my tattoo appointment, but I think the injectables (European equivalent to Follistim-Puregon) will make the pain worse. Something about all those extra hormones. Am I making this up? All I know is that the last time I was on them, I got a bikini wax and it hurt much more than usual!! But again. OH WELL I guess.
nectarine / 2600 posts
@bluestriped bee: Glad things went well with your sister! Now that you've tested out your trigger, will you POAS, or wait for beta testing? FX for you hardcore!!!
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
@macintosh: Yay for a schedule!!
@TheSwissWifeStyle: Trapper keepers! I remember them! Yup, might as well do the injectables again. Ohh, tattoo appointment? What are you getting done? Hope it's not too painful.
I don't know. I'm so unpredictable with POAS. I tell myself to wait til 14 DPO but I get the urge around 10 DPO. I don't know if I will cave this cycle. Depends if I see any wonky symptoms.
nectarine / 2600 posts
@bluestriped bee: A koi (swimming upwards to signify struggle in life, because hello IF issues) and lotus design. Woo! My DH might get one too. (Minus the flowers
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
@TheSwissWifeStyle: So cool and love that idea! Love tattoos! (I got 3.) You have to show me what it looks like when it's healed or right after you get it. (A nice filter will remove all the redness from the photo. Haha.) My DH got a IF tattoo, too. His was a different design from mine.
pomegranate / 3809 posts
@mrswin: We're going to FL. Yeah, I was ready to go with the higher chances of IVF months ago, but I felt like I should at least give the orals and IUI a few shots, but now that we've done that and it hasnt worked, yeah, I'm ready.
@bluestriped bee: I always say I'll wait until 14dpo, but I normally cave around 12.
@macintosh: Are you doing the progesterone and scheduled based on your natural cycle? I think I start BC for 7-10 days once my period starts again and then the stimulation meds. My RE said the BC (or progesterone may do the same) is to kind of "reset" all the follicles to a dormant state so that they start out the same size and have hopefully uniform growth.
pomegranate / 3533 posts
@mrswin: Hoping...but also hoping I can just "get back up and try again" if it's going to take more than one try! 7/16 is my beta (and I will probably test at home the day before)!
@macintosh: @PurplePumps: Exciting to be moving ahead with IVF! (We transferred 2, BTW.)
@TheSwissWifeStyle: Thank you! FX that you get your
persimmon / 1085 posts
@mrswin: So excited for you!!
@macintosh: That is awesome news!!! You will be right behind me by about a week I think. You must be soo ready to get started!
@FliegepilzHut: I know the wait is so hard. I hope the next few days fly by for you!!
My favorite part of going back to school was seeing which friends were in all my classes!!
About 1 1/2 weeks to go until we get started.
pear / 1556 posts
@babycanuck: Good luck with your tests! I hope you get some answers soon!
@mrswin: Awesome! Good luck with the Gonal-f! That was the easy one for mixing!!
@bluestriped bee: Glad things went well with telling your sister! FX for you!
@FliegepilzHut: I know, it's a tough balance but I am SO hopeful for you!!
@PurplePumps: So sorry about AF! Have fun on your vacation!
@macintosh: Yay! That's great that you will be starting IVF so soon!
@TheSwissWifeStyle: Oh I remember Trapper Keepers! I loved them!! FX for you!
My favorite part of going back to school was going shopping with my mom. I especially loved getting a new pair of sneakers!!
Not too much to update with me. My appointment with my RE is on 7/18 so hopefully we can talk a little bit about what might have gone wrong last cycle, and what we can do differently with the next IVF!
persimmon / 1479 posts
@mrswin: My thoughts exactly on the back to school ads! It's only July....ugh! I remember feeling so anxious about back to school as a kid.....and since I'm still in education I still feel the first day jitters!
I would say some of my favorite memories are my elementary school field trips to the public library. Our school was blocks from the public library, so during the fall/spring our teachers made it a point to get us there a couple of times a month. It was so fun
Just waiting for my LH surge so I can call and schedule IUI! On a side note, I had an acupuncture appointment this morning and told my acupuncturist that's how we were proceeding. She seemed confused and kept thinking it was IVF. I felt frustrated because I've explained at least three other times that IVF and IUI are different. She still didn't really seem to get it today. Am I being too judgey? Maybe I'm just being overly critical?
persimmon / 1479 posts
@bluesriped bee: Yay! So glad it went well I'm sure you're both relieved!
persimmon / 1479 posts
Sorry about the triple posts from me, but I just remembered another thing I loved: Scholastic book orders!!!!!! Yeaaaaaaaaa!
nectarine / 2600 posts
@winter_wonder: omg YASSSSSSS!!! I used to LOVE Scholastic Book Orders. So fun
nectarine / 2433 posts
@bluestriped bee: Thanks, I really like my acupuncturist, lol I kind of want to be her friend
@macintosh: So exciting that you have a schedule for your cycle.
@TheSwissWifeStyle: Ok so I will admit I had no idea what a Trapper Keeper was but google reminded me! Why do they want you to use heprin?
@PurplePumps: Hoping that your IVF cycle is all you need for a
@FliegepilzHut: I know what you mean. My SO and I had a big talk about needing to be positive during the cycle but also try and stay grounded in the fact that it is not 100% going to work the first time.
@Jenn23: Yay, glad that you are starting soon, we won't be too far apart schedule wise.
@Sunshine1810: Yeah I appreciate that this is just a simple pen one and I don't have to try and figure out mixing at this point.
@winter_wonder: Sorry about your acupuncturist not really getting it. I see someone who specializes in fertility acupuncture and works with a lot of the clinics around here so she is pretty well versed. Maybe there is someone offering it near you too?! BTW I totally forgot about Book Orders, I used to LOVE those
nectarine / 2600 posts
@mrswin: basically they're throwing darts in the dark. (Is that a saying, or did I make that up?) I "might" have a blood clotting issue. One test came back iffy, the follow up test looked fine. So...who knows! I guess in cases of RPL where there is no real diagnosis, it has shown to help keep a pregnancy successful. We shall see.
pear / 1986 posts
So many updates today! Happy thursday everyone!! I definitely loved back to school clothes shopping.
@mrswin: I totally wanted to be my acupuncturist's friend, too ! So glad you like yours and yay for starting tomorrow night!!
@bluestriped bee: So, so glad you cleared the air with your sister. That must be such a good feeling!! I was also going to ask about when you might test… :wink:.
@babycanuck: Good luck with your monitoring this cycle. More info = more answers, right?!
@FliegepilzHut: Oh, what a balancing act waiting is… I'm keeping my FX for you!
@PurplePumps: Sounds like a really good plan. Kind of nice to head out on a vacation med-free before getting started with IVF. Enjoy!
@macintosh: August is just around the corner! So exciting!!
@TheSwissWifeStyle: Your tattoo sounds beautiful and really meaningful.
@Jenn23: A week and a half will go by in a flash!!
@winter_wonder: I was also going to suggest an acupuncturist who deals with fertility issues/specifically supporting western IF treatment might be a good fit.
AFM, we start PIO tonight and then only 5 more days until FET!
eggplant / 11861 posts
@babycanuck: So glad to here! Best of luck!
@mrswin: Best of luck
@bluestriped bee: awww I am so happy to hear that it went well with your sister
Also stalking this board for your BFP
@PurplePumps: Med free Vacas are a must!!!! Enjoy that time!!!
@macintosh: Excited for you sounds like a great plan!!!
@TheSwissWifeStyle: Loved Back to school supplies too....
Best of luck with your cycles
@winter_wonder: Best of luck with your IUI
@GreenThumb: Good luck
Back to school used to mean new school clothes and supplies, I loved that part!!!!! I would organize everything and plan outfits for wish I still had that trait
Now it means back to work
But at the same time it is a fun time and getting to meet my new kiddos is always fun!
Always praying and thinking of you all
kiwi / 636 posts
@babycanuck: Yay for getting back into the swing of things. I hope you do get the answers needed!
@mrswin: woohoo for starting your injections and being closer to your IVF BFP!
@bluestriped bee: do you think you'll continue testing just to see if it will turn into a BFP? Also, great news about your sister!
@FliegepilzHut: Less than a week of waiting left!
@PurplePumps: I hope this unmedicated cycle is what you need to help rejuvenate yourself.
@macintosh: That is super exciting to have a scheduled date. I find it fascinating with IVF and IUI that you can pinpoint conception (even more so with IVF).
@TheSwissWifeStyle: I'm excited to see what the final tat will look like! And really hope your DH gets the matching koi!
@Jenn23: woohoo for being close to starting your IVF cycle and wedding anniversary LO!
@Sunshine1810: I hope your WTF appt goes well!
@winter_wonder: I hope IUI #1 works for you!
@GreenThumb: exciting! Time flies so quickly, it seems like it wasn't too long ago when you updated that you were going the IVF route.
@FaithFertility: It's nice to see you posting in here still. I hope you are doing well! I haven't followed your due date thread, but are you going to find out the gender?
I always looked forward to the Scholastic Book Orders when I was younger! I have over 100 of the BabySitter's Club series all purchased from those book orders. Then in college, I looked forward to leaving my parents' house and traveling far away so that I can be an "adult" without worrying about how late I could stay out! I remember always feeling so grown up having to fly down for the school year and not being able to come back until Thanksgiving.
AFM, I'm feeling a little better now. Who was I kidding in saying I would be taking an HB break!
pomegranate / 3533 posts
@Jenn23: @mrswin: @GreenThumb: @Sunshine1810: Thank you for all the good thoughts and support. It is SO hard...but it's okay. I really think this will work for us, if not now, then quite soon!
@Jenn23: 1.5 weeks is SO soon! I'm rooting for a great response for you!!!
@Sunshine1810: FX for your RE meeting on 7/18 and that they'll have a good plan for you! Thinking lots of positive thoughts...
@GreenThumb: So exciting! You're almost there!
@winter_wonder: That has to be frustrating. Maybe it doesn't matter too much, as long as your acupuncturist has a fertility background and understands "now is the time when we're trying to stimulate the ovaries to produce follicles" vs. "now is the time when we're trying to encourage development of the uterine lining and a nice, quiet environment for implantation to take place." Or something like that?
@babycanuck: Good luck! Hoping for answers and a for you soon!!!
@FaithFertility: Thank you!!!
Tonight I gave myself my PIO (intramuscular injection) for the very first time (as practice for when DH goes out of town for a few days early next week). I actually didn't feel it at all!!! Thank you, ice!!!
nectarine / 2433 posts
@lazypanda: Hahaha I am so glad you didn't go anywhere. When you said you were taking a break I was
eggplant / 11861 posts
@lazypanda: Glad your back
Ohh yes we will know gender on the 28th it seems sooo far away!!!!!
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