What cycle are you on/how long have you been TTC?
What are your plans for this cycle?
How is your attitude/outlook?
What have you struggled with most this week?
What is your diagnosis?
What are you Labor Day plans? Outside of the US: What's up this weekend?

What cycle are you on/how long have you been TTC? 3 years
What are your plans for this cycle? We decided this would be my last bcp cycle. This is my first time saying/writing it out loud. I feel nervous about it.
How is your attitude/outlook? I'm nervous. My body is feeling differently than before. I feel lower abdomen pain when I should O, and that only happened once on Clomid.
What have you struggled with most this week? Exhaustion.
What is your diagnosis? PCOS and MFI w/low count
What are you Labor Day plans? Outside of the US: What's up this weekend? Dh is working, so I'm planning to just relax. Oh! And Isaiah's 6mo pictures are Saturday. Excited for that!

How is everyone?