I just started trying a dream feed for DS2 who is 5 1/2 mo this week. Previously, he was going to bed at 7 and waking at 1:30 am and 5am to eat and then would sleep until 7. I tried a dream feed when I went to be around 10 pm and he slept until 6 am. This works out perfectly for me since that's when I need to get up anyways to get ready for work. And then he goes back to sleep for another hour. This is the first time in a very long time that I've gotten 6+ hours of continuous sleep so I'm thinking that we're going to keep this up.

My question to those who have had success doing a dream feed, how long did it work for you and how did you know when to stop? My only concern is that I used to pump before bed to cover any shortage from what I pumped during the day and then anything else would grow my freezer stash. I'm bummed not to be adding to it right now but it's so much better feeding a sleepy, cuddly baby rather than attaching to the pump!