LO is almost 10 weeks old (eek!) and I'm trying to transition her from taking all her naps in the Moby wrap, to her crib. She sleeps in the PnP at night fine (well, if waking up every 1-3 hrs is fine!) and she's getting a little too interested in the world to sleep well in the Moby without waking up all the time. Although I'm able to settle her much more easily when I'm wearing her (sometimes she'll nap 2-2.5 hrs being worn). But I think ultimately she'll get much better rest in the crib.

So recently she has been waking up way too early in the crib (I hold her to fall asleep, transfer after 20 min, and then she's in the crib for 10-20 min before waking). But after about a minute of crying/fussing she then just hangs out happily for a while. Once she's fallen asleep again, but usually she starts the brief fuss, and then hanging out cycle.

When do I call it quits for the nap and start her EASY routine over? Or do I just let her be in the crib until she is definitively cranky? And why don't babies come with instruction manuals to figure this out more easily?!