In this case meaning co-bedding, when did you end up stopping?

We stopped around 5.5 months...our bed really isn't big enough to comfortably co-sleep with our little spread-eagle bed hog, and he was much more interested in worming over to our faces and sticking his hand in our mouths than he was in sleeping. Those were big parts of why we transitioned him to his crib then, but now he won't sleep in our bed at all.

When we first moved him into his nursery I would bring him back to bed with us to nurse in the AM with hopes that he'd doze until DH had to get up--no such luck, he'd squirm and whine until I put him back in his crib and then he'd go right to sleep. I still nurse him in bed in the AM, though.

I feel like it was for the best for all of us, but I miss having him there with us sometimes.