When did you go into labor?
What was your reason for prior c-section?
When did you go into labor?
What was your reason for prior c-section?
nectarine / 2878 posts
I went into prodromal labor at 37 weeks, delivered via VBAC at 37.5 weeks.
Prior c-section was due to fetal heart tones decelerating after contractions and maternal fever. I was induced at 40 weeks due to GD. I was dilated to an 8 but water had been broken for over 24 hours.
pear / 1610 posts
I've had 2 VBACs. My c-section was because baby was breech but I had gone into labor already (water broke & contracting). My first VBAC was at 38 wks and my second was at 38 wks 1 day.
cherry / 239 posts
I went into labor at 36w6d for my VBAC. Prior c-section was because I got all the way to 10cm, pushed for 7 hours, and DD kept getting wedged against my pelvic bone.
hostess / papaya / 10540 posts
39 weeks. Prior c/s was because I remained stalled at 8cm and developed a fever so they got worried and wanted baby out.
pomegranate / 3983 posts
2 VBACs, one at 39 weeks and one at 40 weeks. First was emergency c-section for fetal distress.
pear / 1737 posts
@CoffeeMom: don't want to thread jack, but wow they let you push for a long time. Just wondering how they knew baby was getting stuck on your pelvic bone? I pushed for 3 hours, but then an ob came in and said baby wasn't moving anymore and I needed the section. Was it anything to do with baby's size at all?
apricot / 288 posts
Csection was due to breech. I never went into labor the 2nd time. I was induced (they broke my water) at 40+2 and had a wonderful vbac experience 12 hours later.
pear / 1946 posts
Vbac - I was induced at 40+5 by having my water broke. DS was born about 13 hrs later at 9lbs 11oz.
Prior C was for failure to progress and a sunny side up baby.
pomegranate / 3895 posts
@Mrs. Goose: Feel free to thread jack
@shortcake: A few follow-up questions... how were you induced and how dilated were you? (thread jacking myself)
apricot / 288 posts
@lbee: they broke my water. She wanted to see how I progressed on my own and i had my first contraction a few minutes later. My OB was very happy with my progress and gave me a little pitot in when I got to 5 cm. I think I was between 3 and 4 for the whole week prior and that morning.
pear / 1737 posts
@LBee: I wish I could be posting on here with stats. I'm hoping to have a vbac one day!
kiwi / 551 posts
VBAC was at 39w2d. I went into labor one day after having my membranes swept (was at 1cm when she did that)
Prior c-section was at 33w6d due to preeclampsia for me.
apricot / 488 posts
It's interesting to read all the experiences. I am almost 17 weeks now and hoping for a vbac. In one sense,it feels so far away, but I'm already stressed about it.
pear / 1965 posts
I just love seeing all these success stories!
Seriously gives me hope. I hope to be able to contribute some info here in a few weeks. I am 34 weeks now and going for a VBAC.
cherry / 239 posts
@Mrs. Goose: We didn't know why she wasn't making progress until they did the c section. I would push and she would come down, but then by the time I had to push again, she was back where she started. I was trying to do a home birth, but after 3 hours of unsuccessful pushing there, we transferred to the hospital. By the time we got checked in and they did their exams, and another trial of pushing, I was just done. I had been in active labor at that point for 30 hours, and I was exhausted and starting to run a fever. Baby had to come out so we decided on c section. As it turned out, there was no way I could have gotten her out because of her position anyway so it was for the best. Had nothing to do with her size, since she was only 6 lb 1 oz. She was just angled a tiny bit the wrong direction and it wasn't going to work.
grapefruit / 4321 posts
@LBee: do you have something you would like to share with the class?
pomegranate / 3895 posts
@Truth Bombs: not yet, but thinking about it .... they don't call me a planner for nothing!
grapefruit / 4321 posts
@LBee: ha! Well fair warning, my CFP didn't stop D from surprising us
pear / 1737 posts
@CoffeeMom: so crazy. Glad everyone was okay at the end and the next was easier I assume!
cherry / 239 posts
@Mrs. Goose: Thanks! Yes, #2 was much easier. 5.5 hours from start to finish, and a successful VBAC!
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