This is so weird!!

The last couple of weeks, I have had two friends tell me that they have decided not to go back to work now they have their baby.... and each time, I have felt negative feelings towards them. I didn't show it to them, obviously, but my head was full of "silly woman, giving up her career" and "how selfish, making her poor husband earn all the money" and all other kinds of ridiculous crap. But I don't really think any of those things - the truth is, I'm really jealous!

Now let's be honest here: I really didn't enjoy being home during maternity leave. I felt so isolated and I was bled dry, emotionally, by being needed all day ..... I didn't enjoy any of the time I got with my girl. Almost as soon as I went back to work, I started to love being a mummy. I really value the time I get with her now! Being a WOH mum is really working for me.

So why the bitterness?! I don't get it!!

Anyone else? Make me feel less weird!