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If you like your work/SAH status do you still feel pangs of jealousy when a friend does the other?

  1. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    Haha - grass is always greener, right?!

    I definitely identify with this! Although we really did need the extra income- I got a job mostly because I had the desire to. But now that I'm back at school FT, I wish I didn't have to work. But now it's necessity to put me through school - so I get jealous of the moms in my program whose husbands can financially support paying their tuition and kids' daycare so they can 100% focus on school.

    Before I was back at school - I did find that working my PT schedule has been the best of both worlds. I make enough $$ to make a difference, save a bit and have a teensy bit of fun money, while also having tons of time with my kid. Even after I graduate and hopefully become a nurse, my ideal schedule is 32 hours or less a week.

  2. MamaMoose

    GOLD / squash / 13464 posts

    @Cherrybee: yes I definitely have "they have it so easy thoughts". Like when SAHMs complain about finding time to get the laundry done I want to say "try having a full time job and finding time to get the laundry done!!!!!!".

  3. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    I think I'm more jealous when I hear about them doing fun things while I'm at work. Like going to the park, museum, swimming classes, etc. Plus, with my job it doesn't end when I leave the office, I get client demands 24/7. I don't have to work but I enjoy it. There's pros and cons on both sides.

  4. Freckles

    honeydew / 7444 posts

    @MamaMoose: I totally get jealous of my friends who have their parents nearby. I seriously give daggers to my friends who WOH but don't have to pay for childcare, and who hop over to their parents' house for dinner after work.

    @Cherrybee: I am only jealous of SAHMs who have family nearby to help, or nanies. My friend is a SAHM and she gets help from her family a few hours a day EVERY DAY.

  5. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    Oh when I talk to my SAHM friends I get kind of jealous and my LO isn't even here yet! I think it's because they don't have to work that I am jealous whereas I do.

  6. BKCaribBaby

    pear / 1672 posts

    Honestly, no. I like being a WOH that has a flexible day at home one day per week. Honestly, my dream would be a job that challenged me three days per week with 2 days at home. If I met someone who had that arrangement, then I would super jealous. I also have to admit that I don't really know any SAHPs, so I don't have very much insight into the daily life of one. I think everyone's right with their "grass is greener assessment. I think it goes to show that there is really no real way to do this parent thing.

  7. LuLu Mom

    GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts

    Yes, I also don't know if I could handle being a SAHM, I love my daughter but I think adult interaction is needed for me to stay sane. However, I got totally jealous of a friend who just quit her job to stay home, I kept wishing it was an option for me! I wish I could be a part time career woman, and a part time stay at home mommy, I want the best of both worlds!

  8. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @Mrs. Pen: I wondered if you would see this thread and what your reply would be because I remember how much you wanted to work.

    I agree that part time hours sound wonderful!!! I think that would be my ideal if I could choose - part time, flexible hours, working for myself (but we didn't *need* the income so it wouldn't be stressful), with a housekeeper thrown into the arrangement!!!

  9. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    @Cherrybee: I think the job I DO have plays into it a lot. It was fine for the first year, but I'm bored now. It's redundant and not extremely satisfying. For the most part, it's a pretty thankless job that people take for granted. I would be fine without recognition, except that we're usually treated like our job is worthless, and told as much by some more outspoken patients. So I've struggled with that a lot too. I think once I become a nurse and feel like my work is beneficial and meaningful - it will truly make a difference! Happiness at work definitely has an impact on whether someone might want to SAH or WOH.

  10. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @Cherrybee: I'm back at work PT but work 4 8h days Mo-Th and like you I was miserable while on mat leave but still I have moments where I'm thinking things along the lines of "I would love to go to the zoo with LO today" and then I get jealous of the mums that can just do that.

  11. Lindsay05

    pomegranate / 3759 posts

    I think about it on a daily basis. I am SAHM right now and I often search for daycares because I feel like working out of the home may be a better option for me. And then I think about missing my girls and then I decide not to work. When I worked pre-baby, I hated waking up everyday to go to work and was SO excited to stay at home with the kids. Now, I never realized how hard it would be to be at home. I never get to sleep in, I don't get sick days, blah blah blah. I need to work on making the most of what i'm doing RIGHT NOW.

  12. looch

    wonderful pear / 26210 posts

    I am one of those moms that has their parents around, my patents are my before and after care and we eat at their house twice a week at least. My mom also does all my sons laundry and packs his food during the week. In a pinch, she can take him to the ped.

    My husband feels incredibly guilty, even though my parents offer to help a lot, they are both retired, so we hardly ever get a proper date night. I am just too busy on the weekends to train a babysitter!!!

  13. daniellemybelle

    cantaloupe / 6669 posts

    No. I have the best of both worlds - I work from home part-time. I am also supremely lucky to have my mom to help with LO three days a week. I feel very, very lucky.

    Before I started working part time though, I will say I had moments where I missed having a career, and I worried a little bit about my female professional contacts judging me for quitting. (I hate that that's a thing but it is.) Now, though, I feel like I have struck a such a good balance. I only hope that we can continue to afford for me to only work part-time & not have to return full-time.

  14. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @Lindsay05: I need to work on that too. I'm always looking ahead to how I want things to be and I never enjoy the now. That's also a great description on being home with the kids - it's hard, hard work.

    @daniellemybelle: That sounds wonderful!

  15. illumina

    pomelo / 5469 posts

    Most of my friends are either SAHMs or still on maternity leave, but I do get jealous of Dh often because I see it as he can just escape each day and talk to other adults and do interesting, stimulating work. Though I know if he offered to swap, I wouldn't take it because I know I have it better overall right now.

  16. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @illumina: Really, most of your friends are SAHMs? Other than the two people recently who have decided not to go back to work, I don't know another SAHM in the UK (apart from you, of course!). I mean, I know they exist (!!!) but it's just not something any of my friends have done. Maybe I hang around with paupers, like us!! Haha!

  17. illumina

    pomelo / 5469 posts

    @Cherrybee: yes, it's weird isn't it? I know lots of Mums that went back to work, but I wouldn't say I was friends with them, just worked with them. Bearing in mind I have lots of friends who haven't had kids yet, and those that have, had them quite young and weren't career people at all. Also, for a lot of them the cost of childcare so they could go back to work wouldn't be worth it, based on the amount they earnt.

  18. Ajsmommy

    pomegranate / 3355 posts

    Yes!! I am totally jealous of SAHM's but I also don't think I could do it. For me I think PART time work would be PERFECT. However, we need my full income so for now it's not feasible. Maybe someday...... or with LO#2??? fingers crossed...


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