So I'm 39w1d and hoping for a natural med-free birth. I am not horribly uncomfortable or anxious and I am completely happy to go to 42 to give baby a chance to come out on her own.

However I'm wondering if I should have some sort of tests done after 40 weeks just to make sure baby is okay? I go to a midwife practice that is very hands off (which I generally like) and I don't know what their policies or procedures are. I plan to ask tomorrow at my 39 week appointment. I don't want them to think I'm angling for an induction because I am definitely not. I just know a few people whose babies have had legit problems after 40 weeks (low fluid, placental issues, baby laying on its cord which was caught during a NST) and I want to make sure it is safe to wait.

I guess I just wanted to see what was "normal" for people who have made it to 40 weeks with no health problems (I haven't had any high bp, swelling, and baby measures right on track when they measure my stomach).