How far along and for what reason? Was it successful or did it end in a c-section?
I was induced at 37 weeks for IUGR. It was unsuccessful and sadly ended in a very unplanned c section.
How far along and for what reason? Was it successful or did it end in a c-section?
I was induced at 37 weeks for IUGR. It was unsuccessful and sadly ended in a very unplanned c section.
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
40 weeks 5 days for pre eclampsia. Vaginal delivery, post partum hemorrhage. Did not require a transfusion or anything.
coconut / 8305 posts
I was *practically* induced with my first b/c I was "overdue" (in prodromal labor). I was 2 cm at admission & it ended in cesarean... had a successful vbac with my 2nd child.
blogger / pomelo / 5400 posts
38.5 weeks because my water broke but my contractions didn't start on their own. Ended in a normal vaginal delivery without complications.
hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts
Induced at 41 weeks and I ended up with an emergency c-section.
honeydew / 7488 posts
I was induced on the day before my due date due to a tropical storm in the Gulf. It was successful, very uneventful vaginal birth. The tropical storm didn't amount to much (but we did get hit with a hurricane 2 weeks later and had to evacuate).
pear / 1812 posts
I was induced at 39 weeks. I was one of the lucky ones to have pregnancy long nausea that was only getting worse as the weeks went on. At 38 weeks we decided to induce if she wasn't here by the following week and the next day I went into early labor.... I was fully effaced and at a 3... and I stayed that way for the entire week leading up to the induction. Yay for week long labor! Everything went great for the induction. They started the pitocin, broke my water and 10 hours later I delivered our little girl vaginally. No complications.
pineapple / 12793 posts
At 39w3d I had a slow leak and PIH. They monitored me for a day. Induced the next. It ended in a c-section at 40w0d. My bp remained erratic and LO never descended. She was LGA and upside down. Totally jammed in my pelvis. It took a lot during the c section to get her out.
pomegranate / 3895 posts
42 weeks....due to being, well, 42 weeks.
It was a failed induction and resulted in a csection due to fetal distress and maternal fever...all after making it to 9cm
grapefruit / 4400 posts
Induced at 41w due to low fluid levels. Started around 8:00am on Friday, had a vaginal delivery with epidural at 5:00am Saturday.
pomegranate / 3577 posts
I was induced at 39 and 5 for a non-medical reason* and had a c-section that was more of a foregone conclusion than anything else. My OB and I both agreed that whether I had been induced or waited three more weeks, the end result would have been the same.
* DH is in the military, and I could have either had him there or not because of an ill-timed military obligation that would have him out of state for 2 weeks. Going in, I gave myself a 70-80% chance of c-section, so I opted to have my husband with me. It was a loooong induction (my OB was all about giving me a fighting chance for the birth I really wanted) but totally worth it in the end.
pomegranate / 3729 posts
I was induced at 42 weeks, due to post date and borderline low fluid. I had a very successful cervidil/pitocin/misoprostyl induction with a med-free vaginal delivery. I wouldn't change anything about my induction. It went SO much better than I was fearing.
pomegranate / 3003 posts
I was induced the night before 42 weeks. My birth center didn't feel comfortable with me going longer, and I trusted that decision. I was given cervidil, and my water broke 90 minutes later. No pitocin needed, I delivered DD vaginally about 11 hours later.
honeydew / 7504 posts
41 weeks. Successful SLOW induction and progress of labor, ending in a vaginal delivery.
pomegranate / 3414 posts
Induced twice:
DD- 39w6d because she was sitting on my sciatic nerve and I couldn't walk without pain - vaginal birth, no complications (pitocin, epidural, broke water, delivery: 8hrs check-in to birth)
DS-39w0d because OB was concerned about his size and it worked out better for DD's childcare coverage - vaginal birth, no complications (pitcoin, epidural, broke water, delivery: 4hrs check-in to birth)
honeydew / 7283 posts
I was induced at 36w0d with pre-e and HELLP syndrome. I had been on bedrest for 1 week and hospitalized for a few days but my numbers were getting worse and I needed to be induced.
I had a very successful, fast, induction (they say that babies who really need to come out tend to go fast with pre-e) and vaginal delivery. M was 5lbs 4oz and didn't need to go to the NICU - success all around.
pineapple / 12526 posts
40+5, my water broke and labor didnt start. It was a nightmare. Ended in a forceps delivery, shoulder dystocia and a massive postpartum hemorrhage that required two blood transfusions.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
39weeks 5 days due to Large for Genstational Age (LGA).
They offered me a c-section since I wasn't favorable for induction but I wanted to try. The induction went well, my water broke naturally, and I did deliver naturally. She was very large, over 9 lbs.
pomegranate / 3706 posts
40 w 5 d, due to low fluid. Just pitocin, had my water broken, got an epidural about 1 hour before pushing, vaginal delivery, no complications.
nectarine / 2504 posts
39 weeks 5 days--water broke at 6 AM, no progress made by 3:30 PM so we decided to induce. 30 hours later--no baby so the decision was made to perform a c-section. I had experienced an infection overnight.
grape / 85 posts
@T.H.O.U. : What percentile is considered LGA? Once LO was born, he was determined to be SGA instead of IUGR (Interuterine Growth Restriction - below 10th percentile).
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@spinningry: according to Mrs. Jacks, LGA is defined as 8.8lbs.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
Induced at 38+5 for pre-eclampsia. For the most part no complications (I did pass out twice after L&D, and J couldn't maintain temperaturea nd turned blue), vaginal delivery.
grapefruit / 4823 posts
Induced at 40w 6d, due to no progression, and me being tired of being pregnant. Ended in a csection due to no progression(made it to 2cm on pitocin for 8+hrs and my water was broken) and fetal distress. My OB said that I would probably not have been able to deliver him(or any child) vaginally due to the shape of my pelvis. DS never made it in my pelvis
pomegranate / 3275 posts
I was induced at 40 weeks 6 days, just because I was past my due date. I needed a lot of medical intervention (cervadil, pitocin, they broke my water etc) and it ended in a c-section. I don't consider it "unsuccessful" though, I tried HARD for that baby to come out vaginally. I pushed for over an hour and was pushing well (according to my midwife), but ultimately DD was born and was huge. It wasn't anything that I could have done differently that would have changed the outcome, except that back in the day one or both of us probably would be dead.
papaya / 10570 posts
I was induced at 38+4. It took 4 days for me to dilate to 2cm. 8pm on the 4th day, they broke my water but I failed to progress. They started the syntocin drip at 10pm and I had DD vaginally at 2.14am, 39 weeks on the dot, using only gas-and-air.
pineapple / 12793 posts
@MamaBehr: I often think the same thing. Had I given birth 100 years ago we wouldn't be here.
GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts
I was given pitocin after my water broke and I failed to progress (labor started but stalled). It ended in a c-section because poor goober got stuck in my pelvis.
GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts
@MamaBehr: @oliviaoblivia: DH and I had this conversation yesterday, that if not for modern medicine, the baby and I wouldn't have made it. I couldn't be more grateful that my birth ended with both of us healthy!
blogger / pomelo / 5361 posts
I was induced because I was carrying mono-di twins and they wouldn't let me go past 36 weeks. One twin was breech and the other was transverse, so we knew a c-section was a possibility if the induction didn't work quickly. After 12 hours on pitocin, I was still at 0 dilation with no sign of progress, so I had a c-section.
blogger / pomelo / 5361 posts
@MamaBehr: @Bookish: @oliviaoblivia: I think about this all the time! I'm very thankful for the medical interventions to get my little guys here safely, especially considering that my body was not ready to let them go but that it was apparent when they were born that one of my little guys had ceased to get sufficient nutrition from the placenta. If it had been back in the day and I had to just wait for my body to kick in, I'm positive I would have only had one living child to deliver who then would have been unable to be delivered because his twin would have been blocking the exit.
kiwi / 689 posts
Induced at 41weeks for low fluid. It took 36 hours and every induction method they could throw at me but I managed to deliver vaginally. In the end it was clear that the induction was very necessary, and I was so grateful to have access to a wonderful L&D and NICU team.
pomegranate / 3350 posts
I was induced at 39 weeks for IUGR (but also turned out to be SGA). Luckily they gave me a couple days of cervical ripening before starting the Pitocin so the induction went well and resulted in an uncomplicated vaginal delivery. It was only about 7 hours from start of Pitocin to delivery but 2.5 days from start of the cervical ripening medication to delivery.
pineapple / 12526 posts
@T.H.O.U.: I think its kind of funny that docs in the states induce for this. C was 10lbs8oz and was estimated between 9 and 10lbs at 36 weeks. When I went in to discuss induction plans with the docs, I WANTED them to induce me at 40 because I was scared she was so big and they refused and scheduled my induction for 42.
I figure I delivered her and she was massive so I will refuse to consent to an induction for that reason in the states next go around.
eggplant / 11287 posts
I was induced on my due date for high blood pressure.
I was 5 cm dilated upon admission, so my induction went smoothly. I was in labor for 15 hours and had a vaginal delivery. 3rd degree tearing and a hemmorage.
nectarine / 2458 posts
I went into labor naturally at 39 weeks (water broke, contractions got down to 3 minutes apart) but I had a bladder infection that was left untreated so my contractions weren't strong enough (I was only 2 cm dilated with 90 second long contractions that were less than 3 minutes apart) so I was given a low dose of pitocin. Less then 12 hours later I had my son vaginally with no complications except the cord was wrapped around his neck like 37 times.
nectarine / 2458 posts
@loveisstrange: yeah... I was 1 ounce below 11 pounds (and as my mom likes to inform everyone, I was weighed AFTER having a MASSIVE bowel movement, so I was PROBABLY over 11 pounds) and my mom has the smallest hips ever and she delivered me naturally. If a doctor ever told me I needed to be induced because mybaby was big I'd laugh in their face. My son was only 7 lb 6 though, lol.
grapefruit / 4442 posts
the epidural stopped my labor so we were given pitocin after about 7 hours of no contractions. DD was stuck after 4 hours of pushing so we had an unplanned csection.
pineapple / 12526 posts
@Navy_Mommy: yep, Ill laugh at them and say "you know i vaginally delivered a 10.5 monster baby with no pain meds, right?" Psh, i dont need no induction. My biggest fear is actually that an American doctor will try and force me into a c/s. No way are they cutting me open unless one of us is dying.
nectarine / 2458 posts
@loveisstrange: during my labor the on call doctor (who refused to believe me when I went in two days earlier saying I felt like I was getting sick) kept saying I needed a cs because i had a 102 fever and the midwife sternly told him he'd cut me open over her dead body since if he had listened to me when I first came in I probably wouldn't have a fever anymore. She was awesome.
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